Wrinkles and Fine Lines

Wrinkles and Fine Lines

The skin becomes thinner, less elastic, and has a slow cell turnover rate, which is the most prevalent indication of ageing. Poor lifestyle choices including smoking, excessive sun exposure, sleep deprivation, and inadequate hydration make this worse.

There are two types of wrinkles: static and dynamic. Both of which are treatable with appropriate aesthetic procedures.

While static wrinkles appear unrelated to movement, dynamic wrinkles form when the associated muscles contract.

At LINDA TLMC VENTURE, we investigate the specific causes of each wrinkle and fine line and administer the necessary therapies. For instance, we might advise utilising some Botulinum Toxin A to relax the overactive muscle that is creating the premature dynamic wrinkle. This would help to reduce the wrinkles.

We would suggest a series of treatments to increase the suppleness of the skin and so lessen the lines if the skin quality is poor and is the cause of sagging and static lines.

We do not think that one solution fits everyone at LINDA TLMC VENTURE.
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