Overnight Oat

Overnight Oat

Category: Available
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懶人營養早餐 Overnight Oat
      :傳統燕麥 500gmBNC 有機能量發芽玄米粉 4 湯匙
               BNC 法國營養酵母 4 湯匙,
                      乾果 200gm(葡萄乾、蔓越莓乾或藍莓乾)
                      堅果 200gm(微烤腰果或微烤南瓜籽),芡欧鼠尾籽 2湯匙。


                    淨水以 2:1 比例浸泡隔夜。
              3、浸泡芡欧鼠尾籽 20 分鐘。

Overnight Oat 
Material: Rolled Oat 500gm, BNC Organic Germinated Bran Rice Powder 4tbst,
               BNC Nutritional Yeast Falke 4tbst,
               Fresh Fruit 
(Red Apple, Guava, Mango and Dragonfruit (Red)

               Dried Fruit 200gm (Raisin, Dry Cranberry or Dry Blueberries)
               Nuts & Seed 200gm (Roasted Cashew Nut or Roasted Pumkin Seed)
               Chia Seed 2tbst

Seasoning: Organic Pumkin Seed Oil, Organic Perilla Oil , Honey (Honey Master) or Maple Syrup

Preparation: 1. Sock the Rolled Oat with Water Ratio (2:1) in a1jug overnight.
                         Water Level just be nice to cover the Oat.
                     2. The next day, cut the fruit in small cube.
                     3. Sock Chia Seed 20min before use.
                     4. Taka out sock Rolled Oat and mix in the fruits, 
                         nuts and seeds you have prepare.
                         2 thst Organic Pumpkin Seed Oil and Organic Perilla Oil, 
                         and 1 tbst of Honey or maple Syrup on top of
                         sock rolled oat simple stir and enjoy!

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