Alfa Laval Hygienic BS 4825 Tubes and Fittings

Alfa Laval Hygienic BS 4825 Tubes and Fittings

Category: Hygienic tubes Available
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Alfa Laval Hygienic BS 4825 Tubes and FittingsAlfa Laval Hygienic BS 4825 Tubes and Fittings

Alfa Laval BS 4825 Hygienic Tubes and Fittings are precision-engineered stainless steel tubes that ensure efficient flow in fluid processing systems. This product range offers fittings with internal surface finishes that have a roughness average (Ra) of < 0.8 - 1.6 μ, reducing the risk of product contamination and simplifying cleaning.. These Tubes and Fittings are ideal for usage in the dairy, food, beverage, and personal care sectors. They offer efficient, crevice-free flow routes that reduce product hold-up and maintain process integrity. 


Alfa Laval Applications



Related Industries

  • Polished Internal surface finish of roughness averages (Ra) from <0.8–1.6 μm
  • All products meet ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 standards
  • Minimized risk of microbial contamination due to crevice-free welds
  • Compliance with BS 4825 standard sizes
  • Easy to clean and sanitise for hygienic and high-purity applications
  • Food & Beverage processing
  • Dairy processing 
  • Home & personal care industry

Why Alfa Laval Hygienic BS 4825 Tubes and Fittings

Checkmark icon - Ensures contamination-free operation with a smooth, drainable surface
Ensures contamination-free operation with a smooth, drainable surface
Checkmark icon - Easy installation, maintenance, and removal of fittings components
Easy installation, maintenance, and removal of fittings components
Checkmark icon - Reduces downtime and increases productivity
Reduces downtime and increases productivity
Checkmark icon - Enhances hygiene and efficiency in fluid process lines
Enhances hygiene and efficiency in fluid process lines

Why Choose Alfa Laval?

Alfa Laval is more than just fittings, it is a global leader in hygienic processing with over a century of experience providing solutions. Alfa Laval's components are trusted by food, dairy, beverage, and personal care manufacturers all over the world. They're also fully compliant with industry standards including BS 4825, EN 10357-A, EN 10357-D and ASME BPE, ensuring that you're covered no matter where your system works. They make your work easier, your processes cleaner, and your operations more efficient. 
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