Registraction Number
- Active Ingredients:
- Diphtheria Toxoid: ≥ 30 IU (International Units)
- Tetanus Toxoid: ≥ 40 IU
- Pertussis Toxins: ≥ 4 IU
- Aluminium Phosphate: Adjuvant
- Thimerosal: Preservative (0.01% w/v)
The DTP vaccine is used to:
- Provide primary immunization against diphtheria, tetanus, and pertussis in infants and children.
- Serve as a booster dose for older children and adults who need to maintain immunity.
- Dosage: The primary vaccination schedule typically includes three doses of 0.5 ml each, administered at 2, 4, and 6 months of age, followed by booster doses at 12-18 months and 4-6 years of age.
- Administration: The vaccine should be administered by deep intramuscular injection, preferably in the anterolateral aspect of the thigh for infants and the deltoid muscle for older children and adults.
- Precautions: Inform your healthcare provider if the recipient has a history of severe allergic reactions to any component of the vaccine, or if they have a history of neurological disorders or seizures. The vaccine should not be given to individuals with a history of severe reactions to previous doses2.
- Storage: Store the vaccine in the refrigerator at 2 to 8°C (36 to 46°F). Do not freeze
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