OLAKIDS Baby 3D Design Socks Newborn Cute Socks Comfortable Anti-Skid Footwear

OLAKIDS Baby 3D Design Socks Newborn Cute Socks Comfortable Anti-Skid Footwear

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RM5.50 - RM5.50 欲了解更多详情,请游览我们的官方网站 olakids.com.my


I The primary purpose of putting socks on your newborn is to prevent his/her feet from getting chilled. Because newborns aren't moving around, their feet tend to get cold easily, and socks help keep their feet warm.
I Babies do not need shoes to learn to walk. As for warmth and protection, socks may be all your baby needs. Socks with rubber grips on the bottom help to reduce the chance of your older infant or toddler slipping. If you are going to be outside on cold or rough surfaces, go ahead and try out some shoes.
I Socks will help the baby to sleep better, it helps keep your baby's body warm, making your current state more conducive for sleeping.

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I Tujuan utama meletakkan kaus kaki pada bayi baru lahir anda adalah untuk mengelakkan kakinya menjadi sejuk. Kerana bayi yang baru lahir tidak bergerak, kaki mereka cenderung mudah sejuk, dan kaus kaki membantu menjaga kaki mereka tetap hangat.
I Bayi tidak memerlukan kasut untuk belajar berjalan. Bagi kehangatan dan perlindungan, kaus kaki mungkin merupakan keperluan bayi anda. Stoking dengan cengkaman getah di bahagian bawah membantu mengurangkan kemungkinan bayi anda atau anak kecil tergelincir. Sekiranya anda berada di luar dengan permukaan sejuk atau kasar, teruskan dan mencuba kasut.
I Stoking akan membantu bayi tidur lebih nyenyak, ia membantu menjaga keselamatan badan bayi anda, menjadikan keadaan semasa anda lebih kondusif untuk tidur.

I Material//Bahan: >95% Cotton
I Suitable for/ʺ/Sesuai untuk: Newborn  12 months
I Weight//Berat: 0.06kg
I Size/ߴ/Saiz: socks length 9cm

Package Included: 1x Baby 3D Design Socks

I Due to the light and screen setting difference, the item's colour may be slightly different from the pictures.
I Please allow slight dimension differences due to different manual measurements.
I Please ensure the purchase before checking out for the payment. NO RETURN, NO REFUND for this product for hygiene proposes.

9 #Baby3DDesignSocks #Babysocks #Cutebabysocks #babyfootwear

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