Air Temperature and Air Temperature/R. Humidity Sensor

Air Temperature and Air Temperature/R. Humidity Sensor

分类: Weather Station 已售罄


Thermohygrometers for any type of environmental application

Wide range of precise and reliable sensors designed for continuous meteorological measurements even in severe climatic conditions and in the presence of strong thermal and hygrometric variations. Temperature measurement principle RTD Pt100 1/3 DIN B (Class AA EN60751) and capacitive humidity.

Thermohygrometer designed for severe climatic weather conditions with anti-radiation screen.


Models available with an effective natural ventilation anti-radiation screen that ensures the protection of the sensitive element from solar radiation to ensure the accuracy of the temperature reading. For best results in the case of low wind speeds and high levels of solar radiation, some models are equipped with a forced ventilation screen.



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Excel Test Sdn Bhd
Excel Test Sdn Bhd Data Logger Supplier Malaysia, Selangor, Temperature & Humidity Measurement Kuala Lumpur (KL), SAMM Calibration Malaysia ~ Excel Test Sdn Bhd