180 mm ø InlineVent® EC rectangular fans backward curved, for rectangular duct size 30 x 15 cm
InlineVent® EC rectangular fans 180 mm ø backward curved, for rectangular duct size 30 x 15 cm
Gravity shutter - Type VK 30/15
External louvre - Type WSG 30/15
Vol. control damper for ducting - Type JVK 30/15
Circular spigot - Type FSK 30/15
Flexible connectors - Type VS 30/15
Counterflange - Type GF 30/15
225 mm ø InlineVent® EC rectangular fans backward curved, for rectangular duct size 40 x 20 cm
InlineVent® EC rectangular fans 225 mm ø backward curved, for rectangular duct size 40 x 20 cm
KRW EC 225/40/20
Gravity shutter - Type VK 40/20
External louvre - Type WSG 40/20
Vol. control damper for ducting - Type JVK 40/20
Circular spigot - Type FSK 40/20
Flexible connectors - Type VS 40/20
Counterflange - Type GF 40/20
Rectangular attenuator - Type KSD 40/20
Air-duct filter - Type KLF 40/20 G4 / Type KLF 40/20 F7
Electric heater battery - Type EHR-K 6/40/20 / Type EHR-K 15/40/20
Temperature control system for electric heater battery - Type EHSD 16
Warm water heater battery - Type WHR 2/40/20 / Type WHR 4/40/20
Temperature control system for warm water heater battery - Type WHS HE
315 mm ø InlineVent® EC rectangular fans backward curved, for rectangular duct size 50 x 25 cm
InlineVent® EC rectangular fans 315 mm ø backward curved, for rectangular duct size 50 x 25 cm
KRW EC 315/50/25 / SKRW EC 315/50/25
Gravity shutter - Type VK 50/25
External louvre - Type WSG 50/25
Vol. control damper for ducting - Type JVK 50/25
Circular spigot - Type FSK 50/25
Flexible connectors - Type VS 50/25
Counterflange - Type GF 50/25
Rectangular attenuator - Type KSD 50/25-30
Air-duct filter - Type KLF 50/25-30 G4 / Type KLF 50/25-30 F7
Electric heater battery - Type EHR-K 8/50/25-30 / Type EHR-K 24/50/25-30
Temperature control system for electric heater battery - Type EHSD 16
Warm water heater battery - Type WHR 2/50/25-30 / Type WHR 4/50/25-30
Temperature control system for warm water heater battery - Type WHS HE
355 mm ø InlineVent® EC rectangular fans backward curved, for rectangular duct size 60 x 30 cm
InlineVent® EC rectangular fans 355 mm ø backward curved, for rectangular duct size 60 x 30 cm
Gravity shutter - Type VK 60/30
External louvre - Type WSG 60/30
Vol. control damper for ducting - Type JVK 60/30
Circular spigot - Type FSK 60/30
Flexible connectors - Type VS 60/30
Counterflange - Type GF 60/30
Rectangular attenuator - Type KSD 60/30-35
Air-duct filter - Type KLF 60/30-35 G4 / Type KLF 60/30-35 F7
Electric heater battery - Type EHR-K 15/60/30-35 / Type EHR-K 30/60/30-35
Temperature control system for electric heater battery - Type EHSD 16
Warm water heater battery - Type WHR 2/60/30-35 / Type WHR 4/60/30-35
Temperature control system for warm water heater battery - Type WHS HE
400 mm ø InlineVent® EC rectangular fans backward curved, for rectangular duct size 60 x 35 cm
InlineVent® EC rectangular fans 400 mm ø backward curved, for rectangular duct size 60 x 35 cm
KRW EC 400/60/35 / SKRW EC 400/60/35 / SKRD EC 400/60/35
Gravity shutter - Type VK 60/35
External louvre - Type WSG 60/35
Vol. control damper for ducting - Type JVK 60/35
Circular spigot - Type FSK 60/35
Flexible connectors - Type VS 60/35
Counterflange - Type GF 60/35
Rectangular attenuator - Type KSD 60/30-35
Air-duct filter - Type KLF 60/30-35 G4 / Type KLF 60/30-35 F7
Electric heater battery - Type EHR-K 15/60/30-35 / Type EHR-K 30/60/30-35
Temperature control system for electric heater battery - Type EHSD 16
Warm water heater battery - Type WHR 2/60/30-35 / Type WHR 4/60/30-35
Temperature control system for warm water heater battery - Type WHS HE
450 mm ø InlineVent® EC rectangular fans backward curved, for rectangular duct size 70 x 40 cm
InlineVent® EC rectangular fans 450 mm ø backward curved, for rectangular duct size 70 x 40 cm
KRW EC 450/70/40 / KRD EC 450/70/40 / SKRD EC 450/70/40 A
Gravity shutter - Type VK 70/40
External louvre - Type WSG 70/40
Vol. control damper for ducting - Type JVK 70/40
Circular spigot - Type FSK 70/40
Flexible connectors - Type VS 70/40
Counterflange - Type GF 70/40
Rectangular attenuator - Type KSD 70/40
Air-duct filter - Type KLF 70/40 G4 / Type KLF 70/40 F7
Warm water heater battery - Type WHR 2/70/40 / Type WHR 4/70/40
Temperature control system for warm water heater battery - Type WHS HE
500 mm ø InlineVent® EC rectangular fans backward curved, for rectangular duct size 80 x 50 cm
InlineVent® EC rectangular fans 500 mm ø backward curved, for rectangular duct size 80 x 50 cm
KRD EC 500/80/50 A / SKRD EC 500/80/50 A / SKRD EC 500/80/50 B
Gravity shutter - Type VK 80/50
External louvre - Type WSG 80/50
Vol. control damper for ducting - Type JVK 80/50
Circular spigot - Type FSK 80/50
Flexible connectors - Type VS 80/50
Counterflange - Type GF 80/50
Rectangular attenuator - Type KSD 80/50
Air-duct filter - Type KLF 80/50 G4 / Type KLF 80/50 F7
Warm water heater battery - Type WHR 2/80/50 / Type WHR 4/80/50
560 mm ø InlineVent® EC rectangular fans backward curved, for rectangular duct size 100 x 50 cm
InlineVent® EC rectangular fans 560 mm ø backward curved, for rectangular duct size 100 x 50 cm
KRD EC 560/100/50 A / KRD EC 560/100/50 B / SKRD EC 560/100/50 B
Gravity shutter - Type VK 100/50
External louvre - Type WSG 100/50
Vol. control damper for ducting - Type JVK 100/50
Circular spigot - Type FSK 100/50
Flexible connectors - Type VS 100/50
Counterflange - Type GF 100/50
Rectangular attenuator - Type KSD 100/50
Air-duct filter - Type KLF 100/50 G4 / Type KLF 100/50 F7
Warm water heater battery - Type WHR 2/100/50 / Type WHR 4/100/50
180 and 225 mm ø InlineVent® rectangular fans backward curved, for rectangular duct sizes 30 x 15 and 40 x 20 cm
InlineVent® rectangular fans 180 and 225 mm ø backward curved, for rectangular duct sizes 30 x 15 cm and 40 x 20 cm
KRW 180/2/30/15 / KRW 225/2/40/20
Gravity shutter - Type VK 30/15 / Type VK 40/20
External louvre - Type WSG 30/15 / Type WSG 40/20
Vol. control damper for ducting - Type JVK 30/15 / Type JVK 40/20
Circular spigot - Type FSK 30/15 / Type FSK 40/20
Flexible connectors - Type VS 30/15 / Type VS 40/20
Counterflange - Type GF 30/15 / Type GF 40/20
Rectangular attenuator - Type KSD 40/20
Air-duct filter - Type KLF 40/20 G4 / Type KLF 40/20 F7
Electric heater battery - Type EHR-K 6/40/20 / Type EHR-K 15/40/20
Temperature control system for electric heater battery - Type EHSD 16
Warm water heater battery - Type WHR 2/40/20 / Type WHR 4/40/20
Temperature control system for warm water heater battery - Type WHS HE
225 and 315 mm ø InlineVent® rectangular fans backward curved, for rectangular duct size 50 x 25 cm
InlineVent® rectangular fans 225 and 315 mm ø backward curved, for rectangular duct size 50 x 25 cm
KRW 225/2/50/25 / KRW 315/4/50/25 / SKRW 315/4/50/25
Gravity shutter - Type VK 50/25
External louvre - Type WSG 50/25
Vol. control damper for ducting - Type JVK 50/25
Circular spigot - Type FSK 50/25
Flexible connectors - Type VS 50/25
Counterflange - Type GF 50/25
Rectangular attenuator - Type KSD 50/25-30
Air-duct filter - Type KLF 50/25-30 G4 / Type KLF 50/25-30 F7
Electric heater battery - Type EHR-K 8/50/25-30 / Type EHR-K 24/50/25-30
Temperature control system for electric heater battery - Type EHSD 16
Warm water heater battery - Type WHR 2/50/25-30 / Type WHR 4/50/25-30
Temperature control system for warm water heater battery - Type WHS HE
355 mm ø InlineVent® rectangular fans backward curved, for rectangular duct size 60 x 35 cm
InlineVent® rectangular fans 355 mm ø backward curved, for rectangular duct size 60 x 35 cm
KRW 355/4/60/35 / KRD 355/4/60/35 / SKRW 355/4/60/35 / SKRD 355/4/60/35
Gravity shutter - Type VK 60/35
External louvre - Type WSG 60/35
Vol. control damper for ducting - Type JVK 60/35
Circular spigot - Type FSK 60/35
Flexible connectors - Type VS 60/35
Counterflange - Type GF 60/35
Rectangular attenuator - Type KSD 60/30-35
Air-duct filter - Type KLF 60/30-35 G4 / Type KLF 60/30-35 F7
Electric heater battery - Type EHR-K 15/60/30-35 / Type EHR-K 30/60/30-35
Temperature control system for electric heater battery - Type EHSD 16
Warm water heater battery - Type WHR 2/60/30-35 / Type WHR 4/60/30-35
Temperature control system for warm water heater battery - Type WHS HE
400, 450 and 500 mm ø InlineVent® rectangular fans backward curved, for rectangular duct size 70 x 40 cm
InlineVent® rectangular fans 400, 450 and 500 mm ø backward curved, for rectangular duct size 70 x 40 cm
KRW 400/4/70/40 / KRW 450/4/70/40 / SKRW 400/4/70/40 / SKRD 450/4/70/40
Gravity shutter - Type VK 70/40
External louvre - Type WSG 70/40
Vol. control damper for ducting - Type JVK 70/40
Circular spigot - Type FSK 70/40
Flexible connectors - Type VS 70/40
Counterflange - Type GF 70/40
Rectangular attenuator - Type KSD 70/40
Air-duct filter - Type KLF 70/40 G4 / Type KLF 70/40 F7
Warm water heater battery - Type WHR 2/70/40 / Type WHR 4/70/40
Temperature control system for warm water heater battery - Type WHS HE
500 mm ø InlineVent® rectangular fans backward curved, for rectangular duct size 80 x 50 cm
InlineVent® rectangular fans 500 mm ø backward curved, for rectangular duct size 80 x 50 cm
KRW 500/4/80/50 / KRD 500/4/80/50 A / SKRW 500/4/80/50 / SKRD 500/4/80/50
Gravity shutter - Type VK 80/50
External louvre - Type WSG 80/50
Vol. control damper for ducting - Type JVK 80/50
Circular spigot - Type FSK 80/50
Flexible connectors - Type VS 80/50
Counterflange - Type GF 80/50
Rectangular attenuator - Type KSD 80/50
Air-duct filter - Type KLF 80/50 G4 / Type KLF 80/50 F7
Warm water heater battery - Type WHR 2/80/50 / Type WHR 4/80/50
560 mm ø InlineVent® rectangular fans backward curved, for rectangular duct size 80 x 50 cm
InlineVent® rectangular fan 560 mm ø backward curved, for rectangular duct size 80 x 50 cm
KRD 560/6/80/50 / KRD 560/4/80/50 / SKRD 560/6/80/50
Gravity shutter - Type VK 80/50
External louvre - Type WSG 80/50
Vol. control damper for ducting - Type JVK 80/50
Circular spigot - Type FSK 80/50
Flexible connectors - Type VS 80/50
Counterflange - Type GF 80/50
Rectangular attenuator - Type KSD 80/50
Air-duct filter - Type KLF 80/50 G4 / Type KLF 80/50 F7
Warm water heater battery - Type WHR 2/80/50 / Type WHR 4/80/50
630 mm ø InlineVent® rectangular fans backward curved, for rectangular duct size 100 x 50 cm
InlineVent® rectangular fans 630 mm ø backward curved, for rectangular duct size 100 x 50 cm
KRD 630/6/100/50 / KRD 630/4/100/50 / SKRD 630/6/100/50
Gravity shutter - Type VK 100/50
External louvre - Type WSG 100/50
Vol. control damper for ducting - Type JVK 100/50
Circular spigot - Type FSK 100/50
Flexible connectors - Type VS 100/50
Counterflange - Type GF 100/50
Rectangular attenuator - Type KSD 100/50
Air-duct filter - Type KLF 100/50 G4 / Type KLF 100/50 F7
Warm water heater battery - Type WHR 2/100/50 / Type WHR 4/100/50
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