The bee pollen tool is a kind of wooden and plastic combination with cover, side plate, bee hole and other components, the invention can protect the bees, improve pollen production, control of pollen storage, timely prevent bee pirates and convenient to carry.
Use as follows:
Provides good air circulation, excellent quality spleen, prolong bee’s life, pulp increased about 30%.
the colony wont go on strike with the installation of this product.
Do not need to pad high the beehive, dead bees and pollen will still automatically discharged.
1. 使用本产品,空气流通好、子脾质量优、蜜蜂寿命长,蜜浆增产30%左右。
2. 安装本产品,蜂群无罢工现象。
3. 使用时,勿需垫高蜂箱,死蜂、花粉照样自动排出,同时脱粉器不用晚下早上,彻底免去了清除死蜂的一大麻烦。
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