Maximum Demand
Maximum demand is the highest level of electrical demand monitored in particular period usually for a month period. in this section you will find
information regarding Maximum Demand, such as why TNB charges for it, and how you can calculate your MD. There is also a section on whether MD can be excluded, and step you can take to reduce your MD charges.
What is MD?
MD is the peak load imposed by the customer to TNB system at any point of time. TNB need to cater for this peak load whenever required by the customer. Since electricity cannot be stored there must be sufficient available generation, transmission and distribution capacity to meet the highest demand. MD tariffs are structured to reflect the time of day it is used. For these reasons most tariffs for larger users are designed to encourage customers to control their electricity demand at daytime peaks. For example, lower night rate electricity encourages the transfer of daytime usage to the night period. The MD charge is being practiced by almost all utilities in the world.
Why does TNB charge MD?
MD is the peak load imposed by the customer to TNB system at any point of time. TNB need to cater for this peak load whenever required by the customer. Since electricity cannot be stored there must be sufficient available generation, transmission and distribution capacity to meet the highest demand. MD tariffs are structured to reflect the time of day it is used. For these reasons most tariffs for larger users are designed to encourage customers to control their electricity demand at daytime peaks. For example, lower night rate electricity encourages the transfer of daytime usage to the night period. The MD charge is being practiced by almost all utilities in the world.
How do you calculate MD charges?
MD is the highest level of electricity demand recorded by TNB meter during a 30-minute interval in a month. The amount charged to customer is based on the recorded MD in kW multiplied by the respective MD rate. For example, the amount payable by a Tariff C2 customer registering 100kW of MD for a particular month is RM4,510 (100kW x RM45.10/kW).
*Now day this can go thru automation technogy to collect MD data analysis,
*can easy monitor your machine energy consumption
*Data analysis is in excel worksheet, easy to store , presentation & planning purpose.
*Package c/w Digital Power meter x 1pc, industrial gateway x 1pc, Data logging software.
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