AutoCount On the Go (AOTG) is the 1st hybrid cloud accounting software in South East Asia, and it is an add-On service to AutoCount Accounting. It offers the flexibility to access your AutoCount Accounting data anytime, anywhere like a cloud system, at the same time gaining full ownership control over the data by hosting it at your own server machine. Also comes together with mobile apps where users can run it on smartphones or tablets.
Hybrid Cloud Accounting System
AOTG is a mixture of on-premises accounting software and cloud services, wish to run a cloud system but worry about data ownership issues? AOTG gets it all done! AOTG is a hybrid cloud system which allows easy access to your company data anytime, anywhere, taking advantage of cloud system benefits at the same time allowing you to have full control over your own data. Beside this, it is built on the Microsoft Azure. There are many security features implemented by Microsoft Azure to secure infrastructure and your data.
With any internet browsing devices such as laptop, desktop PC, smartphones or tablets, you can use AOTG to access your company data within clicks! There is no need to invest in a powerful machine to make use of AOTG. You can even use it on any of the smartphones that you owned!
Simple Setup, no IT knowledge required
Setting up AOTG is simple, and it can be done within 10 minutes. There is no extensive IT or networking knowledge required to setup and configure IP settings, port forwarding, DDNS, firewall exceptions. Just run our AOTG installer and setup your AOTG account then you are good to go.
''Virtual'' Personal Assistant
Wish to check on the price of your products or stock balances? Want to know your customer purchase history? Get it all done without any checkup calls or personal assistant with AOTG! AOTG has the capability to check important information which you might need on your day to day business operation. Not limiting itself to just product pricing, balances or history, AOTG offers more such as aging, collection details and more!
Optimizing and Streamline Business Processes
With AOTG, you can make sure your salesman able to track and perform any sales processes efficiently, from preparing Quotations, process orders, or even billing customers. Additionally, AOTG also has a self-ordering feature which allows your customers to place the order directly, access to own invoices and even statements.
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