Infections of the resp tract, middle ear, paranasal sinuses, eyes, kidneys, urinary tract, GI or biliary tract, skin & soft tissues, bones & joints. Genital infections including adnexitis, gonorrhoea, prostatis; sepsis, peritonitis. Prophylaxis & selective intestinal decontamination in immunocompromised patients.
May be taken with or without food: May be taken w/ meals to minimise GI discomfort. Swallow whole do not chew/crush. Do not take w/ dairy products.
Drug interaction
Increased serum theophylline conc. Provoked convulsion w/ NSAIDs (except acetylsalicylic acid). Transient rise in serum creatinine conc w/ cyclosporin. Intensified action of warfarin, glibenclamide. Increased serum conc w/ probenecid. Increased plasma levels & associated toxic reactions of methotrexate. Reduced absorption w/ Fe, sucralfate or Mg-, Al- or Ca-containing antacids & highly buffered drugs (eg, didanosine tab). Accelerated absorption by metoclopramide.