GlaxoSmithKline Manufacturing S.p.A
Localised malignant melanoma & soft tissue sarcoma of the extremities; multiple myeloma, advanced ovarian adenocarcinoma, advanced neuroblastoma in childhood.
Multiple myeloma Intermittent basis alone or in combination w/ other cytotoxic drugs: 8-30 mg/m2 given at 2-6 wk intervals. Monotherapy: 0.4 mg/kg IV repeated at appropriate intervals. Advanced ovarian adenocarcinoma Monotherapy: 1 mg/kg given at 4-wk intervals. Combination therapy: 0.3-0.4 mg/kg given at 4-6 wk intervals. Advanced neuroblastoma in childhood 100-240 mg/m2 together w/ hematopoietic stem cell rescue, alone or in combination w/ radiotherapy &/or other cytotoxic drugs.
Drug interaction
Nalidixic acid, cyclosporin; live vaccines.