We're supplying various sorts and varieties of Hydraulic Parts such as Valve , Pump , Motor , Cylinder , Power Pack ( Power Unit ) , Filter , Oil Cooler , Hydraulic Oil AWS32 , 46 , 68 ; Vane & Piston Pump Part , Accumulator and etc .
If you're now searching for the relevant products , please kindly contact our sale team for more details and discount !
We're also providing service such as Trouble Shooting , Modification Hydraulic System , Recondition Hydraulic Machine , New System Design & Fabricate and etc .
If you're currently facing problems which related with hydraulic , please kindly contact our experienced engineer for more details . He will solve your problems with his expertise & more than 30 years experiences .
Indraulic System Sdn Bhd
( Malaysia Hydraulic Wholesale & Retail )
TEL : 607-3881961
FAX : 607-3881962
还在头痛要找谁订配件 维修 
本公司售卖各式各样的高品质液压产品如下 , 阀 (Valve) , 液压泵 (Pump) , 马达 (Motor) , 油缸 (Cylinder) , 液压动力单元 (Power Pack / Power Unit) , 滤芯 (Oil Filter) ; 泵配件 (Pump Parts) , 液压油 (Hydraulic Oil AWS32/46/68) , 冷却器 (Oil Cooler) , 蓄能器 (Accumulator) , 配件与其他 (Spare Part & etc)
如果你正在寻找相关产品 , 欢迎联系我们的销售顾问了解更多有关详情和资料 .
此外 , 我们也提供各类服务 , 其中包括 搜查问题所在 (Trouble Shooting) , 更改液压系统 (Modification Hydraulic System) , 复新液压机器 (Recondition Hydraulic Machine) , 设计新液压系统和其他 (New System Design & Fabricate and etc) .
如果你正面对相关问题 , 欢迎联系我们的工程师了解更多有关详情和资料 . 他将会为你一一解答 .
Indraulic System Sdn Bhd
( Malaysia Hydraulic Wholesale & Retail )
TEL : 607-3881961
FAX : 607-3881962