The testo FeverDetection feature
- Detects the relative body surface temperature of individuals, based on the difference between the temperature values of those with a normal body surface temperature (“healthy”) and those with an elevated body surface temperature (potentially “sick'')
- Automatic detection of the surface temperature on the hottest part of the face (usually the inner corner of the eye)
- An alarm is triggered whenever a definable threshold value is exceeded
- Anyone with an elevated body surface temperature is identified quickly and reliably, and can be isolated for thorough medical examination
How testo FeverDetection works in detail
The testo 890 thermal imager has a feature for continuously calculating the mean temperature of the individuals being tested.Settings and functions:
- Set the base value in the menu: The set starting value corresponds to the expected mean human body surface temperature
- Set the tolerance value: For example +1 or +2 °C
- Automatic calculation of the threshold value, based on the sum of the base value and tolerance value: If the threshold value is exceeded, the person is considered to be at risk of fever
- The readings are successively stored in the thermal imager in order to continuously update the threshold value
The ambient temperature is taken into account via continuous calculation of the mean temperature. More reliable decisions can therefore be made in terms of which individuals are to be subjected to medical checks. This is because the ambient temperature influences the surface temperatures of individuals – for example, on average these would be higher in a warm waiting area than in an air-conditioned area.
Areas of application
- Security checks in very busy facilities such as airports, railway stations or shopping centres
- Admission controls for employees and visitors in office buildings and production facilities
- FeverDetection with the thermal imager is not a medical measurement.
- To obtain a correct measurement, any glasses, face masks or head coverings must be removed.