BALLUFF Malaysia Indonesia Philippines Thailand Vietnam Europe & USA

BALLUFF Malaysia Indonesia Philippines Thailand Vietnam Europe & USA

Category: BALLUFF Available
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Industrial networking and connectivity

Sensors, systems, bus technology: extensive intelligent networking

  • Inductive couplers
  • Fieldbus modules
  • IO-Link
  • Passive splitters
  • Connectors and connection cables

Industrial identification

For optimised production processes: the system controls itself and the data ensures the best possible workflow.

  • Industrial RFID systems
  • Vision sensors
  • Optical Identification

Object detection

Comprehensive system expertise from a single source: for need-based solutions in all areas of automation.

  • Inductive sensors
  • Capacitive sensors
  • Photoelectric Sensors
  • Magnetic cylinder sensors
  • Ultrasonic sensors
  • Magnetic sensors
  • Mechanical sensors

Linear position and distance measurement

Technological diversity for your drive control, machine monitoring, and checking processes.

  • Inductive distance sensors
  • Micropulse transducers
  • Magneto-inductive position sensors
  • Inductive positioning system
  • Magnetic linear/rotary encoder systems
  • Photoelectric distance sensors
  • Inclination sensors

Fluid sensors

The best solutions in the field of pressure and fill level sensors to provide support for your processes.

  • Pressure sensors Selector


Optimum periphery for the sensor: reliable products for timesaving, low-cost integration into your automation

  • Mechanical accessories
  • Electrical accessories
  • Power supply units


Practical knowledge from the field: get informed on the numerous fields of application of our sensors and systems.

models: (*contact us if you can not find the models you need below)

balluff BES M30MM-PSC30F-S04K

balluff BMF 305K-PS-C-2-S49-00 2

balluff BES M30MI-PSC10B-S04G

balluff BTL5-T110-M1000-P-S103

balluff BTL5-T110-M2500-P-S103

balluff BTL5-E10-M0500-K-SR32,no:182682

balluff BTL5-T110-M0250-P-S103

balluff BES516-300-S266-S4

balluff BES M12MI-PSC40B-S04G

balluff BES QO8ZC-PSC20B-S49G

balluff BTL5-E10-M2500-B-S32

balluff BTL5-C10-m1500-P-S32

balluff BTL5-E10-M0100-B-KA05

balluff BTL-P-1013-4R

balluff BTL7-G110-M0050-B-KA05

balluff BTL7-G110-M0060-B-KA05

balluff BTL5-T110-M0400-B-S103

balluff BTL5-E10-M0500-B-S32

balluff BTL5-E10-M0450-B-S32

balluff BTL5-E10-M0150-K-SR32

balluff BES 516-542-B0-H-03

balluff BES M12ME-PSC40B-S04G-003

balluff BKS-S 8-4

balluff BES M12MI-PSC20B-S04G

balluff BES 516-325-S 4-C

balluff BES 516-370-E5-C-S 4

balluff BES M12MI-PSC40B-S04G

balluff BTL5-E10-M2000-P-S32

balluff BTL5-E10-M2750-P-S 32

balluff BTL5-E10-M0550-P-S 32

balluff BTL5-E10-M0350-P-S 32

balluff BLE18 KF-PA -1PP-S4-C

balluff BES M12MI-NSC 40B-S04G

balluff BOS 5K-PO-IX10-S75

balluff BOS 18M-PS-1RB-E5-C-S4

balluff BESM18MI-NSC80B-S04K

balluff BLS 18KF-XX-1P-S4-L

balluff BES M08MI-NSC20B-S49G

balluff BTL5-E10-M0155-B-KA05

balluff BES G08EE-PSC20B-BV05

balluff BTL5-E10-M0600-P-S32

balluff BTL5-F-2814-1S

balluff BKS-S32M-02

balluff BTL5-A11-M1250-P-S32

balluff BTL5-E10-M1100-P-S32

balluff BLS 18KF-XX-1LT-S4-L

balluff BTL5-E17-M0150-K-K02

balluff BTL5-E17-M0200-K-K02

balluff BTL5-E17-M0100-K-K02

balluff BTL5-A11-M0150-P-KA05

balluff BTL-P-1013-4R

balluff BTL7-G110-M0060-B-KA05

balluff BTL5-E17-M1100-P-S32

balluff BTL5-E17-M1700-P-S32

balluff BTL5-E17-M1200-P-S32

balluff BTL7-G110-M0050-B-S32

balluff BKS-S32M-02

balluff BES 516-114-SA1-05

balluff BTL5-T110-M0300-B-S103

balluff BTL5-T110-M0300-B-S103

balluff BTL5-C10-M1000-P-S32

balluff BES516-3017-G-E4-C-PU-05

balluff BCC M425-0000-1A-008-PX0434-050

balluff BES-113-356-SA6-PU-03

balluff BES113-356-SA6-S4

balluff BES 113-356-SA 31-S 4

balluff BTL5-A11-M1800-P-S32

balluff BTL5-S172-M0300-B-S32

balluff BLS 18M-XX-1LT-S4-C

balluff BTL5-S112-M0250-B-KA10

balluff BCC M415-0000-1A-003-VX8434-030

balluff BKS-S32M-10

balluff BTL5-E10-M0600-P-S32

balluff BTL5-P-5500-2

balluff BTL5-E10-M0750-P-S32

balluff BTL5-C10-M2000-P-S32

balluff BTL5-H114-M0200-B-S94

balluff BTL5-T110-M3250-P-S103

balluff BTL5-C10-M0200-P-KA05

balluff BTL5-E17-M0150-K-K02

balluff BCC M415-0000-1A-003-PX0434-050

balluff BCS M30B4M2-PPM20C-S04G

balluff BTL5-E17-M0300-K-K02

balluff BTL5-E17-M0200-K-K02

balluff BTL5-S114-M0850-P-S32

balluff BTL5-S114-M1700-P-S32

balluff BTL5-P1-M1800-B-KA15

balluff BTM-H1-240

balluff BTL5-E10-M0650-P-KA05

balluff BTL5-E10-M0170-P-KA05

balluff BTL5-E10-M0200-P-KA05

balluff BLS 18KF-XX-1LT-S4-L

balluff BTL6-A-3801-2

balluff BTL6-A110-M0050-A1-S115

balluff BTL5-C10-M2000-P-S32

balluff BES-113-356-SA6-PU-03

balluff BES 113-356-SA 31-S 4

balluff BCC M425-0000-1A-008-PX0434-050

balluff BTL5-E10-M2000-B-S32

balluff BAW R06AC-UAF20B-S49G

balluff BTL5-H114-M0200-B-S94

balluff BTL5-T110-M0800-B-S103

balluff BTL5-E10-M0150-B-KA05

balluff BNS 819-B03-D12-61-12-10FES80S

balluff BTL7-G110-M0050-B-KA05

balluff BTL-P-1013-4R

balluff BTL5-T110-M1110-B-S103

balluff BTL5-S172-M0100-P-S 32

balluff BTL5-T110-M0200-P-S103

balluff BKS-S 99-00

balluff BTL6-A-MF01-A-50

balluff BNI PBS-551-000-Z001

balluff BKS-S 105-R01

balluff BIS L-500-PU05

balluff BTL6-A-3800-2

balluff BKS-S104-00

balluff BTL5-E10-M1200-P-S32

balluff BES 516-114-S 4-C

balluff BOS 25K-5-B5-02

balluff BOS R-1

balluff BKS-S33M-02

balluff BTL5-S171-M0100-P-KA05

balluff BTL5-F-2814-1S

balluff BIS C-128-05/L

balluff BTL5-S172-M0250-B-S32

balluff BTL5-E10-M0500-P-S32

balluff BTL5-E10-M1100-P-S32

balluff BTL5-F-2814-1S

balluff BTL2-GS10-0350-A

balluff BKS-S33M-15

balluff BTL5-E17-M0250-B-DEXB-KA15

balluff BTL5-E10-M1350-K-K10

balluff BTL5-E10-M0340-B-S32

balluff BTL5-E10-M0800-B-S32

balluff BTL5-E10-M0150-B-S32

balluff BTL5-C10-M0100-B-S32

balluff BES 517-132-M7-H-S 4

balluff BTL5-E10-M1050-K-K05

balluff BES M30MI1-PSC22B-S04G

balluff BES M12ME-PSC40B-S04G-003

balluff BES M18MI-PSC80B-S04K

balluff BES 516-325-G-E4-Y-S 4-00 5

balluff BTL5-E17-M1600-B-S32

balluff BTL5-E17-M0750-P-S32

balluff BTL5-T110-M0500-B-S103

balluff BTL5-P-5500-2

balluff BTL5-E17-M1200-P-S32

balluff BTL5-T110-M0051-Z-S103

balluff BTL5-E10-M0600-P-S32

balluff BES 516-211-E4-E-03

balluff BTL5-E17-M1250-B-S32

balluff BTL5-E17-M0150-K-SR32

balluff BTL5-E17-M0100-K-SR32

balluff BTL5-C17-M0300-K-SR32

balluff BTL5-E17-M0300-K-SR32

balluff BES M08MH1-PSC15B-S04G

balluff BCS 030-PS-1-C-S4

balluff BES516-300-S 266-S 4

balluff BES 516-543-B0-H-03

balluff BMF 305K/HW20-PS-C-2-S4-00 2

balluff BES 516-370-S 4-C

balluff BES M12MI-PSC40B-S04G

balluff BES 516-325-G-E5-Y-S 4

balluff BMF 303K-PS-C-2-S49-00 2

balluff BGL 30A-001-S49

balluff BES M08EH-POC15B-S04G

balluff BMF 303K/HW30PSC2SA2S4900 3ASM

balluff BGL 120A-003-S49

balluff BGL 80A-001-S 49

balluff BES 516-326-E5-C-S 4

balluff BNS 813-D04-D12-100-20-01

balluff BTL5-T110-M0500-P-S103

balluff BTL5-P-5500-2

balluff BTL5-E10-M0407-K-SR32

balluff BTL5-E10-M0203-K-SR32

balluff BTL5-E10-M0584-K-SR32

balluff BTL5-E17-M0075-B-NEX-S32

balluff BES M12MI-PSC40B-S04G

balluff BTL5-E10-M0650-P-S32

balluff BKS-S 33M -03

balluff BTL5-E10-M2000-P-S32

balluff BTL5-C10-M0150-P-S32

balluff BTL5-A11-M0100-P-KA05

balluff BTL5-T110-M0400-P-S103

balluff BTL5-E10-M2000-B-S32

balluff BTL5-E10-M2500-B-S32

balluff BES 516-324-E0-C-PU-05

balluff BTL-P-1013-4R

balluff BTA-E17-0550-E 20-4mA

balluff BTL5-P1-M0550-K-K02

balluff BTL5-E10-M0038-Z-S32

balluff BTL5-C10-m1500-P-S32

balluff BTL5-C10-M1000-P-S32

balluff BTL-PM5-VZ

balluff BTL5-G11-M0060-B-KA05

balluff BTL-P-1013-4R

balluff BES 516-131-S4-C
balluff BMF 32M-PS-W-2-S4

balluff BES 516-324-SA-26-05

balluff BTL5-G11-M0050-B-KA05

balluff BTL-P-1013-4R

balluff BTL5-G11-M0060-B-KA05

balluff BES 516-325-E5-C-S4

balluff BES 516-326-E5-C-S4

balluff BIL 001-MH-A

balluff BIL ED0-P060A-01-S75

balluff BTL5-S177B-M0100-P-KA05

balluff BTL5-A11-M0100-J-DEXB-K10

balluff BTL-P-1012-4R12mm

balluff BTL5-E10-M0500-B-KA10

balluff BTL5-E10-M0900-B-KA10

balluff BTL5-P1-M2500-B-KA15

balluff BOS 26K-PA-1HC-S 4-C

balluff BTL5-E10-M0650-P-S32

balluff BNS 816-B03-PA-12-612-11

balluff BNS 816-B04-PA-12-602-11

balluff BTL5-S172-M1200-P-S32

balluff BTL5-S172-M0750-P-S32

balluff BTL5-S172-M1900-P-S32

balluff BTL5-S172-M1650-P-S32

balluff BTL5-E17-M0300-K-SR32

balluff BTL5-E17-M0150-K-SR32

balluff BTL5-E17-M0100-K-SR32

balluff BTL5-S173-M0200-P-S32

balluff BTL5-E10-M2000-B-S32

balluff BTL5-E10-M0250-P-KA05

balluff BTL5-E10-M0800-P-KA05

balluff BTL5-E10-M0125-K-SR32

balluff BES-113-356-SA6-PU-03

balluff BGL 120A-001-S49

balluff BES M18MI-PSC80B-BV02

balluff BOS 26K-PA-1QE-S 4-C

balluff BTL5-E10-M0155-B-KA05

balluff BTL5-E10-M0250-K-K05

balluff BES 517-139-M5-H

balluff BES 516-300-S 266-S 4

balluff BOS 25K-5-B5-02

balluff BOS R-1

balluff BLE 18M-PO-1P-E5-C-S 4

balluff BLS 18M-XX-1P-E5-L-S 4

balluff BMF 32M-PS-C-2-S 4

balluff BTL5-E17-M0900-B-KA05

balluff BTL5-A11-M0360-P-S32

balluff BES M12MI-PSC40B-S04G

balluff BES 516-325-G-E5-C-S4

balluff BLS 18M-XX-1P-E5-L-S 4

balluff BES R01ZC-PAC70B-BP00 2-GS04

balluff BLE 18M-PO-1P-E5-C-S 4

balluff BES M12M1-PSC40B-S04G

balluff BOS 18M-PA-LR10-S4

balluff BOS 18M-PS-1RD-E5-C-S 4

balluff BDG 6360-1-05-1024-65

balluff BES M12MI-NSC408-BV02

balluff BOS R-10

balluff BOS 26K-PA-1QE-S 4-C

balluff BES Q08ZC-PSC20B-S49G

balluff BKS-S33M-05

balluff BTL5-E10-M0360-P-S32

balluff BTL5-E17-M0300-K-K02

balluff BKS-S138-PU-05

balluff BNS 816-B02-PA-12-610-11

balluff BTL5-E10-M0100-K-SR32

balluff BES M08MI-PSC20B-BP05

balluff BTL5-E17-M0100-B-S32

balluff BTL5-A11-M0360-P-S32

balluff BTL5-E17-M0060-B-KA05

balluff BNS 819-B03-D10-46-11

balluff BNN 520-81-S-6 5

balluff BNS 819-FD-60-101

balluff BGL 10A-001-S 49

balluff BES 516-300-S 240-D-PU-05

balluff BTL5-S112-M0250-B-KA10

balluff BES 516-300-S 281

balluff BTL5-A11-M0250-P-S 32

balluff BES M12MI-PSC40B-S04G

balluff BTL5-S177B-M0100-P-KA05

balluff BTL5-F-2814-1S

balluff BTL5-F-2814-1S

balluff BTL5-S177B-M0100-P-KA05

balluff BNS 819-FK-60-101

balluff BES 516-3005-E4-C-PU-02

balluff BES 516-113-B0-C-03

balluff BES 113-356-SA6-PU-03

balluff BES 516-3005-E4-C-PU-05

balluff BES M18MI-PSC50B-S04K

balluff BES 516-325-E5-C-S 4

balluff BES M12MI-PSC40B-S04G

balluff BES 113-356-SA 31-S 4

balluff BES 516-325-E5-Y-S4

balluff BOS 18M-PA-1PD-E5-C-S 4

balluff BTL5-E10-M0650-P-S32

balluff BES M12MF1-NSC10F-S04G

balluff BES 516-359-S 4-C

balluff BES 113-356-SA 31-S 4

balluff BTL5-E17-M0300-K-SR32

balluff BTL5-E17-M0150-K-SR32

balluff BTL5-E10-M0650-B-KA10

balluff BTL5-S112-M0200-B-KA10

balluff BTL5-E10-M0200-B-S-32

balluff BES M08EE-PSC15B-S04G-003

balluff BES M08EE-POC15B-S04G-003

balluff BTL5-A11-M0600-P-S 32

balluff BTL5-A11-M1200-P-S 32;

balluff BTL5-A11-M1000-P-S 32

balluff BES 516-325-G-E5-Y-S 4

balluff BOS 18M-PS-1RD-E5-C-S 4

balluff BLS 18KF-XX-1P-S4-L

balluff BGL 20A-001-S49

balluff BTL5-T110-M0450-P-S103

balluff BTL5-P-5500-2

balluff BTL5-T110-M1700-P-S103

balluff BKS-S48-15-CP-10

balluff BTL5-T110-M0175-P-S103

balluff BKS-S106-00

balluff BKS-S104-00

balluff BTL5-P-5600-2

balluff BTL5-A11-M0450-P-KA10

balluff BTL5-A11-M1250-P-KA10

balluff BTL5-A11-M1500-P-KA10

balluff BTL5-E17-M1100-P-S32

balluff BTL5-F-2814-1S

balluff BTL5-E10-M0450-P-S 32

balluff BTL2-GS10-0350-A

balluff BKS-S33M-15

balluff BTL5-G11-M0060-B-KA05

balluff BTL-P-1013-4R

balluff BTL5-A11-M0900-P-S32

balluff BTL5-S173-M0200-P-S32

balluff BTL5-S112-M0275-B-KA05

balluff BTL5-G11-M0060-B-KA05

balluff BTL-P-1013-4R

balluff BTL5-E10-M0750-P-S32

balluff BES 516-326-S4-CW

balluff BOS 18M-PS-1XB-E5-C-S4

balluff BES M12MI-PSC20B-S04G

balluff BES M12MI-PSC40B-S04G

balluff BES 516-325-S4-CW

balluff BOS R-1

balluff BG502-00-40/51

balluff BSW 819-493-06L3

balluff BES 516-362-G-S4-H

balluff BAW-030-PF-1-K-05

balluff BTL5-S172-M0250-B-S32

balluff BKS-S-33M-00

balluff BTL6-A110-M0050-A1-S115

balluff BTL6-A-3801-2

balluff BTL5-A11-M0360-P-S32

balluff BTL5-E10-M0900-B-S32

balluff BTL5-T110-M0175-P-S103

balluff BTL5-T110-M0150-P-S103

balluff BMF 307K-PO-C-2-S49-00.5

balluff BES M18MI-PSC80B-S04K

balluff BESM18MI-PSC80B-BV02

balluff BMF 235K-PS-C-2A-SA2-S49-00 3

balluff BES 516-369-E0-C-03

balluff BTL5-A11-M0100-B-KA05

balluff BTL5-S172-M0100-P-S 32

balluff BTL5-F-2814-1S

balluff BTL5-S171-M0100-P-KA05

balluff BTL5-E10-M0350-B-S32

balluff BTL5-E10-M0300-B-S32

balluff BTL5-T110-M0400-B-S103

balluff BTL5-A11-M1750-B-S32

balluff BTL-P-1013-4R

balluff BTL-P-1013-4S

balluff BKS-S32M-00

balluff BTL5-C10-m1500-P-S32

balluff BTL5-C10-M1000-P-S32

balluff BTL5-S172-M0300-B-S32

balluff BTL5-E10-M0250-K-SR32

balluff BTL5-E10-M0400-P-S32

balluff BTL5-A11-M0102-P-S32

balluff BES 516-360-E5-Y-S 4

balluff BTL5-E10-M2500-B-S32

balluff BTL5-P1-M1800-B-S32

balluff BTL-P-1012-4R

balluff BLE 18KF-PA-1LT-S4-C

balluff BLS 18KF-XX-1P-S4-L

balluff BTL5-A11-M1800-P-S32

balluff BTL5-E10-M0250-B-S32

balluff BTL5-E10-M0175-B-S32

balluff BTL5-T110-M0500-B-S103

balluff BTL5-F-2814-1S

balluff BTL5-E10-M2500-B-S32

balluff BTL5-S172-M0800-P-S32

balluff BES M18MI-PSC50B-S04K

balluff BTL6-E500-M1300-PF-S115

balluff BOS 25K-5-C90-P-S 4

balluff BES 516-131-S4-C


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