PQSCADA Sapphire, offers a single and unified experience across all data sources and with all power quality devices,
providing a full functionality and a faster performance for data exploration, analysis and visualization.

PQSCADA Sapphire is an open, fully programmable platform designed for customization, and ease of integration. With an open and flexible platform, PQSCADA Sapphire supports many levels of customization: from simple end user configurations to XAML styling and full coding.
The PQSCADA Sapphire Power Quality’s investigation module offers numerous chart types to choose from such as column/bar, stacked column/bar, multi-level pie, line, curved line, scatter plot and curved area.
Connect your smart phone to PQSCADA Sapphire server to view real-time data, event notification and system alerts. You may also connect the app directly to any BlackBox device for configuration and installation verification.
View all measurement points on a live geographical map with real time data and general statuses. In addition to the live map, 3 widgets are available to display the status of the electrical network:
Power quality: the power quality widget displays a list of measurement points that are in violation of pre-configured grid code. A link to the map or the investigation is available for quick access.
Disturbances: the disturbances widget displays a list of short predefined events that occurred during the last hour/day/week/month. A link to the map or the investigation is available for quick access.
System: the system widget displays a list of system messages/warnings about the operation’s condition. A link to the system module for further investigation is available as well.
The power Quality module shows at a glance the status of the entire network or individual measurement points for a selected period of time. The power quality conditions are configurable and can meet any grid code. Multiple compliance conditions can apply to a single measurement point for comparison. A comprehensive report, based on the power quality compliance conditions, can be easily generated from the power quality module.
The power Quality module shows at a glance the status of the entire network or individual measurement points for a selected period of time. The power quality conditions are configurable and can meet any grid code. Multiple compliance conditions can apply to a single measurement point for comparison. A comprehensive report, based on the power quality compliance conditions, can be easily generated from the power quality module.
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