Nicorette Chewing Gum 4mg

Nicorette Chewing Gum 4mg

分类: Drug Info 当前有货


Johnson & Johnson
Nicorette is used for the treatment of tobacco dependence by relieving nicotine craving and withdrawal symptoms. Facilitating smoking cessation in smokers motivated to quit. 
As an aid to reduce smoking [Nicotine Assisted Reduction to Stop (NARS)].
Heavy smokers (≥20 cigarettes/day or first cigarette smoke w/in 30 min of waking up) 4 mg. Light smokers (<20 cigarettes/day) 2 mg. Dosing regime: 8-12 gum daily for at least 3 month before gradual reduction. Max daily dose: 24 gums. 
May be taken with or without food: Chew gum slowly until the taste becomes strong, then rest it between the gums & the cheek. When the taste fades, start chewing it again, then rest it in a different place from the previous time. Repeat the chewing routine until the taste does not return (about 30 min).
Drug interaction
Increased plasma levels of theophylline, tacrine, clozapine, ropinirole. May affect metabolism of imipramine, olanzapine, clomipramine, fluvoxamine; flecainide & pentazocine.

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