Racser Cream 5%

Racser Cream 5%

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Lidocaine 25 mg, prilocaine 25 mg
Surface anesth of skin in connection w/ needle insertion, leg ulcers prior to cleaning & for superficial surgical procedures eg, removal of fibrin, pus & necroses; anesth of genital mucosa.
Skin Apply thick layer to skin & cover w/ occlusive dressing. Adult Needle insertion eg, IV cannula, taking blood samples Approx 2 g/10 cm2. Minor superficial surgical procedure 1.5-2 g/10 cm2 for min: 1 hr, max 5 hr. Extensive superficial surgical procedure 1.5-2 g/10 cm2 for min: 2 hr, max: 5 hr. Leg ulcers 1-2 g/10 cm2 for 30 min. Genital mucosa Apply approx 5-10 g for 5-10 min. Childn Needle insertion & other minor superficial surgical procedures Max: 1 g /10 cm2 & should be adjusted according to application area.
Drug interaction
Sulfonamides & other local anesth eg, tocainide. Caution in use w/ class III antiarrhythmic drugs.

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