CCMD Ephedrine Hydrochloride Injection 30mg/ml

CCMD Ephedrine Hydrochloride Injection 30mg/ml

分类: Drug Info 当前有货


Ephedrine HCl
Reversal of spinal or epidural anaesthesia-induced hypotension and Acute bronchospasm.
Reversal of spinal or epidural anaesthesia-induced hypotension
Adult: As ephedrine HCl: 3-6 mg by slow IV inj every 3-4 min as required. Max total dose: 30 mg. As ephedrine sulfate: 25-50 mg (range: 10-50 mg) by SC or IM inj or 5-25 mg by IV inj, may be repeated according to patient's response. Max: 150 mg/day.
Child: 0.5 mg/kg or 16.7 mg/m2 4-6 hrly by SC or IM inj or alternatively, 0.75 mg/kg or 25 mg/m2 4 times daily by SC or IV inj.
Elderly: Same as adult dose.
Acute bronchospasm
Adult: As ephedrine sulfate: 12.5-25 mg by SC, IM or IV inj, further dosage may be given according to patient's response.
Drug interaction
Increased risk of arrhythmias w/ TCAs, cardiac glycosides and quinidine. Increased risk of vasoconstrictor or pressor effects w/ ergot alkaloids and oxytocin. Increased incidence of nausea, nervousness and insomnia w/ theophylline. Decrease pressor effect w/ reserpine and methyldopa. May potentiate the stimulant effect of caffeine. May increase the clearance and prolong the half-life of dexamethasone in patient w/ asthma. Antagonises the antihypertensive effect of guanethidine.Potentially Fatal: May cause hypertensive crisis w/ MAOIs. Increased risk of cardiac arrhythmias w/ β-blockers and volatile liq anaesth (e.g. halothane, cyclopropane). Additive effects and increased toxicity w/ other sympathomimetic drugs.

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