QingZhang 10ml/1btl

QingZhang 10ml/1btl

Category: Available
RM 180.00 For more information, visit our official website at bnchealth.com.my


Qing Zhang

Natural herbal for ophthalmic care
Are you suffering from:
Blurry vision, Itchy eyes, Double-vision, Photophobia, Eye Floaters, Astigmatism, Dry eyes, Farsightedness, Red eyes, Night blindness, Eye shade etc…

No surgery & epiretinal membrane treatment required!
Anti inflammation, kills bacteria, Strengthens the eyes, Promotes growth of new cells, Activate and restore old cells, Unlock capillaries in the eyes, and Eliminate toxins and dirty accumulated in & around our eyes.

9 Features
1. Restores eye capillaries and nerve system.
2. Eliminate bacterial infection in & around the eye.
3. Suppress eye disease or infection.
4. Eliminate dirty & restore cells.
5. No side effect, even when use frequently.
6. Can be use during early, middle or serious stage of disease/infection.
7. 100% chemical-free, No preservative and antibiotics added.
8. Does not affect daily life.
9. Save from huge expenses and high risk from eye surgery or laser treatment.

Natural Sea Blade Root

Dosage to Apply:
Shake well before use.
Press a drop each application for 3 to 5 times a day.

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