Laptop Safe Box 2042

Laptop Safe Box 2042

Category: HOTEL SAFE Available
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size :43L x 35W x 20HCM

Why we buy a safe

1. During travelling or out from home, eventhough the thief broke into our house, they do not dare to broke the safe because it will cause loud noises to the neighborhood.

2. Inevitable event such as fire accident, other natural disasters like earthquake but the safe will still keep the valuable stuff for us in good condition.

3. The function of the safe is not only keep our cash but also the important documents such as the contracts, passport, birth certificate, qualification certificates, land lease contract, passport and gold. If these things are lost, it will be very troublesome for us but to ensure unpleasant incident to happen, the safe keep it securely for us.

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33 Safety Box & Security Equipment
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