Quartz metal halide lamps with clear outer bulb
• High safety and comfort level, maintained over life
• Minimal maintenance cost
• Initial investment saving options with ''Plus''-concept
• Clear tubular outer bulb
• Unique 3-band technology resulting in high luminous efficacy, both initially and over long lifetime
• Renders a natural white color appearance and good color stability
• Sports lighting. floodlighting of buildings and monuments, area lighting e.g. harbours and building sites, canopy lighting e.g. petrol stations, horticultural lighting
Warnings and Safety
• Use only in totally enclosed luminaire, even during testing (IEC61167, IEC 62035, IEC60598)
• The luminaire must be able to contain hot lamp parts if the lamp ruptures
• For use with control gear designed for high-pressure mercury or sodium lamps
• A lamp breaking is extremely unlikely to have any impact on your health. If a lamp breaks, ventilate the room for 30 minutes and remove the parts, preferably with gloves. Put them in a sealed plastic bag and take it to your local waste facilities for recycling. Do not use a vacuum cleaner.

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