- Category: Gear Oil
- Function : GEAR OIL EP 80W is a premium performance gear lubricant designed to provide effective lubrication in a wide range of automotive transmissions and is formulated from high-quality base stocks and proven performance extreme pressure additives to provide protection to gear components against wear and scoring.
- Feature: GEAR OIL EP 80W has excellent extreme pressure and antiwear properties that protect against wear and scoring leading to lower maintenance costs, enhanced equipment durability, and potential for long service life. High oxidation stability minimizes deposit formation facilitating longer gear and bearing life. Effective rust and corrosion protection reduces wear and extends component life. Better low-temperature fluidity reduces wear at start-up and helps in smoother shifting at low ambient temperatures. Good anti-foam properties ensure film strength for effective lubrication.
Excellent seal compatibility helps minimize leakages and reduce chances of contamination GEAR OIL EP 80W is suited for heavy-duty manual transmissions and axle drives where API GL-4 quality oils are specified. On-road light and heavy-duty trucks, buses, vans, and passenger cars and off-highway equipment in construction, mining, and agriculture. Other applications involve spiral bevel gears operating under moderate to severe speeds and loads and axles with hypoid gears operating under mild to moderate speeds and loads but not suitable for automatic transmissions.
- Volume: Available in 18L,200L
GEAR OIL EP 80W是一种高性能齿轮油,旨在在各种汽车变速器中提供有效的润滑,并由高品质基础油和经验证的性能极压添加剂配制而成,可保护齿轮组件免受磨损和划伤。 GEAR OIL EP 80W具有出色的极压和抗磨性能,可防止磨损和划伤,从而降低了维护成本,增强了设备的耐用性并具有较长的使用寿命。高氧化稳定性可最大程度地减少沉积物的形成,从而延长齿轮和轴承的使用寿命。有效的防锈和防腐蚀措施可减少磨损并延长部件寿命。更好的低温流动性可减少启动时的磨损,并有助于在较低的环境温度下平稳过渡。良好的消泡性能确保有效润滑的薄膜强度。出色的密封兼容性有助于最大程度地减少泄漏并减少污染的机会GEAR OIL EP 80W适用于指定API GL-4优质机油的重型手动变速器和轴驱动器。建筑,采矿和农业用公路轻型和重型卡车,公共汽车,厢式货车和乘用车以及非公路用设备。其他应用包括在中速到重载下运行的螺旋锥齿轮以及在准中速和负载下运行的准双曲面齿轮的车轴,但不适用于自动变速器。