Helium bombing is part of the leak test process for hermetically sealed components which have an internal cavity like transistors, diodes or small relays. These parts are placed in a chamber containing pressurized helium,allowing the helium to penetrate the parts.The part is then tested in a vacuum chamber connected to the leak detector. Important considerations include pressurization time,helium bombing pressure,internal volume and leak size.
- Clamps are controlled by high air pressure amplified by pressure booster.
- Locking mechanicsm of the chamber by 3 sets of pneumatic clamps.
- Optical sensors ensure safety of work when open/close the chamber.
- Locking mechanicsm of the chamber by manual clamps.
Technical Data / Performance:
Type of variants: 1
Method: Semi Auto, Operator loading/unloading
Bombing pressure: 5 bar
Cycle: 2000 pcs/cycle
No. of operator: 1