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Introducing the Gateway to Your Life Transformation!
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Not just a product, but a holistic approach to transform your life. Our Premium Life Transformation Therapy Program isn't about mere transactions; it's about a profound change that starts from within.
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Don't miss out on the chance to redefine your life!
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Your journey to a better life starts here.
Additional details
Quantum Resonance Therapy (QRT) Pendant & Energy Chips transmit Terahertz frequency to modulate the bioelectric field of the our body. It corrects the disordered cellular magnetic field to a normal state through quantum high-frequency physical resonance energy waves. It also promotes blood microcirculation, neutralizes free radicals, activates cells, soothes the nervous system, eliminates toxins and promotes metabolism.
It helps to relieve disease, reduce pain, improve health and increase your physical function. You no longer need to rely on taking a lot of medicines, and also save a lot of medical bills. Buy a QRT pendant now for yourself and for your loved ones and together live a healthy and happy life.
ýƬǴ̫˴(Terahertz frequency) 糡ͨӸƵ, ҵϸų״̬,ٽѪҺѭкɻ ϸ滺ϵͳųءٽ³´лȡ
ܹǻ⼲ʹƽܡ DzҪôҩ,ͬʱҲʡºܶҽҩѡ ھһýԼԼİ, һĽġ
What is Quantum? ʲô?
Quantum is a physical concept, which is used by scientists to express the smallest unit of measurement of substance particles when they explain the duality of particles and waves in the microscopic world. Quantum is the smallest indivisible basic unit of existence of a physical quantity, a state of existence, rather than existence itself. The basis of quantum electrodynamics is electromagnetic radiation (also called electromagnetic wave), which itself is composed of energy quantum, called light quantum (hereinafter referred to as photon).
Quantum is a kind of particle with discontinuous motion energy wave, which has two characteristics:
1. Characteristics of microparticles: The size of quantum is smaller than the extranuclear electrons of atomic nucleus, and it is a particle smaller than nanometer, so it has high permeability and can enter human cells.
2. Characteristics of high-frequency energy waves: Quantum energy generates vibrations up to hundreds of millions of times per second, forming high-frequency energy waves. It forms resonance and conduction with the human cells magnetic field energy wave, like using ultrasonic to clean teeth, it oscillatess and peels off the dirt on the cells. It can also correct the chaotic magnetic field of our cells, repair damaged cells, replenish cell energy and improve body vitality.
Quantum also exists in every one our cells - every molecular cell is superimposed on a quantum cell!. Quantum cells can also be understood as the energy fields surrounding molecular cells.
(Quantum) һѧ,ǿѧҽ ʱ,ԱСλһ СIJɷָĻ�����λ,һִ״̬,Ǵڱ ӵ綯ѧĻǵŷ(ֽеŲ), ɵ,(³Ϊ)
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What is Quantum Medicine?
Due to the resonance characteristics of quantum, the effect of treatment and health care can be achieved through the resonance of quantum energy with our body. Quantum medical treatment does not target the local part, but acts on the whole. Some may use it to treat high blood pressure, but ended up various diseases such as diabetes and gynecological diseases has been improved or been cured.
The ''Homeopathy'' used in quantum medicine is significantly different from Traditional Western Medicine. It uses quantum energy waves to stimulate the body's self-healing system. It can achieve fast, safe, natural and gentle cure of diseases and reverse aging, not harmful to our body.
All substance in this world is composed of molecules and atoms, each has it's own magnetic field and contains energy. The magnitude of energy is measured in quanta. Cells are the basic units of our body made up of molecules and atoms. A normal functioning cell is related to the harmony magnetic field of it's molecules and atoms. When the cellular magnetic field is disordered, the energy field and the cell's function will be lowered, resulting ''Sub-health'' conditions such as dizziness, fatigue, lack of energy and poor appetite. When the magnetic field of the cells is obviously disordered, the cell functions will be damaged and dissimilated, pathological symptoms such as diabetes (pancreatic cell dysfunction), cancer (cell proliferation), etc. can be detected by the western medicine hospitals.
Our body is a high-energy transmitter and receiver, it can receive messages between nature and living things. The microneural sensing system on the skin surface is like a biological radar to transmit and receive ''energy''. So it can resonance with the quantum energy to adjust the cellular magnetic field disturbances and improving physical health.
Features of Quantum Medicine
1. Quantum medicine uses wave energy therapy and homeopathy, it avoids the invasive and destructive drawbacks of western medical treatment.
2. No chemicals, no pain, no side effects.
3. The treatment is following the basic and natural ways, and the curative effect is stable, thorough, fast and accurate.
4. Promote a holistic view and overall treatment, not limited to local part or temporary symptoms.
5. Emphasizes on helping the body to restore its own immunity.
6. Focus on ''detoxification'' throughout the treatment process.
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What is Terahertz Energy Wave?
Terahertz Wave (Terahertz Wave) is 900 MHz, it's wavelength is 0.1-1m, between infrared and microwave. Terahertz waves has strong penetration, and at the same time, their energy is mild so won't cause damage to the substance, which has more advantage compare to X-rays. Therefore, it is widely used in the diagnosis of developing diseases and so on in biomedicine.
It can work 24/7 without interruption, correcting the disordered cellular magnetic field to a normal state through quantum high-frequency physical resonance energy waves, thereby promoting human blood circulation (microcirculation). Microcirculation is also called the ''Second Heart'' of the human body.
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What are it's advantages?
- Lightweight and easy to carry
- Flexible to use
Just place onto the discomfort parts and the corresponding acupuncture points of our body.
- No power required
No external power supply is required, just put it close to the skin surface and it will work automatically. The frequency of signal radiation around our body and the bioelectricenergy of the our body are all energy sources of Terahertz Waves.
- No wear and tear
It will not break or fail in the case of man-made damage, its life span can last more than 20 years.
- Anti-radiation
It converts the electromagnetic radiation caused by electrical appliances into a bio-energy wave and resonate with our body's bio-electromagnetism, to improve our body function.
- Quantum High Frequency Resonance Wave
The quantum energy wave absorbed by our body can instantly increase our strength, flexibility, endurance, microcirculation and other body functions.
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What is the efficacy of quantum products?
Scientists have found through experiments and observations that quantum resonance and magnetic field effects can result biological effects on our body, which help to adjust and improve health. The main functions are as follows:
1. Enhance strength: Promote the balance of body energy, improve physical fitness and improve immunity.
2. Improve endurance: Improve body functions, enhance metabolism, eliminate fatigue, and promote physical recovery.
3. Reduce inflammation and eliminate swelling and pain caused by inflammation:
Improve flexibility, unclog microcirculation; reduce and regulate cervical spondylosis that caused dizziness, headache, numbness, lower back pain etc.; relief frozen shoulder, arthritis, and joint pain, muscle pain caused by gout.
4. Improve body balancing: Coordinate the balance of the cerebellum and body muscles, instantly can increase the balancing of our body and prevent falls. After wearing for a long time, the balancing is still very good even if the pendant is taken off, because our body has been modulated and our body balancing is improved.
5. Promote blood circulation: High-frequency oscillation improves blood circulation in the body, increases the Oxygen carrying capacity of red blood cells, and reduces blood viscosity. Improves blood lipid metabolism, lower cholesterol and improve blood clots. Regulate blood pressure, especially to reduce high blood pressure. Speed up blood flow to prevent fatal injuries such as cerebral infarction and myocardial infarction in the early morning.
6. Promote cell metabolism: Activate cells, accelerate the excretion of intracellular wastes and harmful substances, improve skin's sub-health status.
7. Repair disordered cell magnetic field: Improve cell environment and cell regeneration, delay cell aging and restore cell elasticity.
8. Promote blood circulation, remove blood stasis, relieve pain, reduce inflammation and balance endocrine system:
Improve pathological conditions of heart, stomach and asthma. Improve cold hands and feet, prostatitis, dysmenorrhea and osteoporosis.
9. Regulate autonomic nervous system and improve sleeps: It has sedative effect so it can eliminates insomnia and nervousness. It can improve sleep quality, prolonged use can improve the symptoms and conditions. Under doctor's evaluation, the amount of sleeping pills can be reduced accordingly, eventually can stop the medication if fully recovered.
10. Anti-aging: Removes free radicals and helps aging.
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Who can use QRT Pendent & Energy Chips?
Applicable to people with sub-health and microcirculation disorder. People with deficiency of the five internal organs, weak spleen and stomach, frail and sickly, lack of energy, cold hands and feet; obesity, constipation, body wetness and coldness, accumulation of toxins in the body; headache; insomnia; hypertension, hyperglycemia, hyperlipidemia; coronary heart disease; rheumatism, rheumatoid arthritis; stones; cervical spondylosis; frozen shoulder; chronic strain; male and female sexual dysfunction; low back pain; cancer patients. And also applies to all the people who want to improve their physical fitness and become healthier.
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Who cannot use QRT Pendent & Energy Chips?
- Patients with hyperthyroidism.
- Patients with high T3 and T4 reading.
- Those with bleeding tendency such as postoperative bleeding and etc.
- If you have a pacemaker, DO NOT hang the QRT Pendent & Energy Chips on your chest.
How does QRT Pendent & Energy Chips work?
QRT Pendent & Energy Chips emiting Terahertz frequency to modulate the bioelectric field of the our body. It is a modern high tech product that can replace traditional acupuncture and moxibustion. It's high frequency quantum resonance energy waves can combine with the biowave of the pet to improve it's health. It is effective for hypertension, cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, Parkinson's disease, glaucoma, cataract, rheumatoid arthritis and other diseases caused by microcirculation disorders. It help you to relieve disease, reduce pain, improve health and increase your physical function. You no longer need to rely on taking lots of medicines, and you can also save lots of medical expenses.
ýƬ̫˴(Terahertz frequency), ϸų״ִ̬߿ƼƷ,ȡ˴ͳġ ġͨӸƵ,粨,Ը һЩѭϰĸѪѹѪܼɭ ۡϡʪԹؽȵȼЧܰǻ⼲ ʹƽܡDzҪôҩ ,ͬʱҲʡºܶҽҩѡ
How to use? ʹ?
To target a certain body part, such as pain, carry
QRT Pendent & Energy Chips with you, place on or nearby your body. Place on the affected part (for example: waist, knee, shoulder) to achieve better result.
ýƬ, ϻ帽ڻ(:ϥǡ粿)Դﵽ õЧ
Precautions! ע!
- It shouldn't be blocked by large area of metal shield, this will cause it not able to transmit electromagnetic waves.
- This product is prohibited from burning and physical damage.
- Please keep it properly after use.
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Health disclaimers! !
Please read this health disclaimers before using the
QRT Pendent & Energy Chips.
QRT Pendent & Energy Chips acts a complementary medicine which assists to enhance health improvement. You shall not replace any medicines/doctors' advices/any other conventional medicines with only using QRT Pendent to treat your illness and health problems. It is not a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Always consult with a doctor or other health care professional for medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.
We do not guarantee any health improvement results. All health improvement results depend on individual situations such as self discipline and health conditions. You are responsible for your own health and safety at all times.
Please use at your own risk.
If you may have a medical emergency, call your doctor, go to the nearest hospital emergency department, or call the emergency services immediately.
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