CATACLEAN PETROL Catalytic Converter Cleaner 500ml O2 Oxygen Sensor Fuel Injector Clean Additive Fuel Saving Saver UK

CATACLEAN PETROL Catalytic Converter Cleaner 500ml O2 Oxygen Sensor Fuel Injector Clean Additive Fuel Saving Saver UK

分类: Fuel Additive 当前有货 (数量:50)
1 已售出
RM 133.00 欲了解更多详情,请游览我们的官方网站


THE ultimate in fuel additives, Cataclean® cleans, restores and protects the entire engine, fuel and exhaust system.

Simply pour into your fuel tank every 3 months (or every 3000 miles) and Cataclean® will remove harmful carbon and resin deposits. With long term use Cataclean® can protect against build-up and clogging which can prevent failure of your engine and exhaust system parts.

Cataclean® can assist with your MOT inspection by bringing down emissions by up to 60% - the difference between a pass and a fail.

Cataclean® increases MPG (miles per gallon) saving you money on your fuel. Plus by using Cataclean®, there is no need to use premium fuel, more savings to you. 

Cataclean® will improve BHP, torque and throttle response, improving overall vehicle performance.

'Cylinder Heads
'Intake Valves
'Catalytic Converter
'Oxygen Sensors

'Reduces emissions by up to 60%
'Can prevent MOT emissions fail
'Increases MPG saving you money at the pumps
'Restores performance
'Reduces air pollution
'Patented formula 
'Positive effect for STOP/START driving
'Easy to use - simply pour into your fuel system
'New COEX-HDPE bottle constructed for increased strength with no evaporation

Price per 500ml

#Cataclean #Petrol #Catalytic #Converter #O2 #Oxyegen #Sensor #Clean #Additive #FuelSaving #FuelSaver #IncreaseFuelEconomy #RestoreHorsepower

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