Palmcode Magic

分类: PALMCODE 200 Liquid Fertilizer 已售罄


PALMCODE 200 Magic is able to increase new leave growth, promote flower anthesis and fruitset, increase the fruit bunch size and improve the palm physiological function. PALMCODE 200 Magic is able to increase availability of MOP in the soil; it can also increase the Cation Exchange Capacity (CEC) and reduce the MOP from becoming immobilized in the soil. this formulation focuses on the fruit bunch size and quality.

Product Content:

Chemical Properties (Dry Basis)
Total-N/Nitrogen 8%
Available P2O5/Phosphorus 6%
Water Soluble K2O/Potassium 12%
Water Soluble MgO/Magnesium 3%
Water Soluble CaO/Calcium 1%
Water Soluble B/Boron 0.50%
Trace Element (Mo, Zn, Fe, Mn, Cu, Cl, Ge, Se) >2%
Hydrolyzed and free amino acide group >25%

Product Ingredients:
Multiple amino acids, multi-micronutrient, natural plant based enzymes, multi-vitamin, concentrated sea alga extract, chemical based of mineral eg : MAP, SOP and Mg(OH)2, etc.

Product Effectiveness
PALMCODE 200 Magic is able to increase new leave growthj, promote flower anthesis and fruitset, increase the fruit bunch size and improve the palm physiological function. PALMCODE 200 Magic is able to increase availability of MOP in the soil; it can also increase the Cation Exchange Capacity (CEC) and reduce the MOP from becoming immobilized in the soil. this formulation focuses on the fruit bunch size and quality.

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Agricode Green Sdn Bhd
Agricode Green Sdn Bhd 新山Johor Bahru (JB)油棕肥料供应商,柔佛Johor油棕种子供应 ~ Agricode Green Sdn Bhd