Octagon Tech (M) Sdn Bhd is the distributor and supplier in Malaysia for OTGLok SS316/SS316L Instrumentation Fittings and Valves from Korea. Double ferrules and compression fittings supplier. Wide stock and wide range... [email protected]. +6011-1665 9331 - Octagon Tech (M) Sdn Bhd
Tinggalkan mesej dan dapatkan penyelesaian yang disesuaikan untuk keperluan anda. Peniaga kami akan menghubungi anda tidak lama lagi.
We are the exclusive distributor in Malaysia for OTGLok, a leading Korean manufacturer and supplier of SS316/SS316L Instrumentation Tube Fittings and Valves. Call us to enquire more.
We supply SS316 stainless steel seamless instrumentation tubing in Malaysia. It's durable and corrosion-resistant tubing, perfect for various industrial applications. Contact us for competitive prices and exceptional customer service.
We are exclusive distributor of high-quality Korea OTG-LOK SS316L Instrument Compression Double Ferrules Tube Fittings in Malaysia. Call Octagon Tech for premium guaranteed products.