Acid-Fast Staining Kit.(Ziehl-Neelsen Method)(AFS)
L-Alanine, "Biochem".
L-Ascorbic Acid, A.R.
L-Asparagine 1-Hydrate, "Biochem".
L-Aspartic acid, "Biochem".
Capsule Stain Kit (Hiss Method)
Lactic Acid, 88% , A.R.
Lactic Acid, 90% , A.R.
Lactophenol cotton-blue
Lactophenol, for microscopy.
Lactose, 1-Hydrate, C.P.
Lanolin, C.P. (Wool Fat)
Lanthanum Chloride, A.R.
Lanthanum Oxide, A.R.
Lauric Acid, pure. (Dodecanoic acid)
Lauroyl Peroxide, C.P.
L-Cysteine , free acid, "Biochem".
L-Cysteine , HCl, "Biochem".
L-Cystine , "Biochem".
Lead (II) Acetate, 3-Hydrate, A.R.
Lead (II) Acetate, Basic, A.R.
Lead (II) Bromide, C.P.
Lead (II) Carbonate, C.P.
Lead (II) Iodide, C.P.
Lead (II) Nitrate, A.R.
Lead (II) Oxide, C.P. (Yellow)
Lead (II) Sulfate, C.P.
Lead (II) Sulphide, C.P.
Lead (II) Tartrate, C.P.
Lead (II,IV) Oxide, C.P. (Lead tetraoxide)
Lead (IV) Oxide, C.P. (Red)
Lead Monoxide see Lead (II) Oxide
Lead Plate, 7.5cm x 2cm.
Lead, metal sheet , C.P.
Lead, powder , C.P.
Lead, shot , C.P. (Granular)
Lead,Strip, 2cm x 10cm x0.2mm , C.P.
Lecithin see Soya Lecithin
Leishmans Stain, for microscopical.
L-Glutamic Acid, "Biochem".
L-Glutamine, "Biochem".
L-Histidine, free acid , "Biochem".
L-Isoleucine, "Biochem".
Leishman for Parasites Kit
Leishman's Stain .
Levulose see D-Fructose
Light Green SF, C.I. 42095
Lime Water. "READIL"
Linseed Oil, pure.
Lithium Bromide, A.R.
Lithium Carbonate, C.P.
Lithium Chloride, A.R.
Lithium Hydroxide, A.R.
Lithium Iodide, C.P.
Lithium Sulfate, 1-Hydrate, A.R.
Lithium, metal, (in parafin), C.P.
Litmus paper - Blue (pack of 10 booklets/20 leaflets)
Litmus paper - Red (pack of 10 booklets/20 leaflets)
L-Leucine, "Biochem".
L-Lysine HCl , "Biochem".
L-Ornithine HCl, "Biochem".
Lysis Buffer (Hirt)
Papanicolaou Staining Kit
Periodic Acid Schiff's Kit (PAS)
L-Phenylalanine, "Biochem".
L-Proline, "Biochem".
Spore Stain Kit.(Writz-Conklin Method)
L (+)Tartaric Acid, C.P.
L-Tryptophan, "Biochem".
L-Tyrosine, "Biochem".
L-Valine, "Biochem".
Ziehl-Neelsen Kit
Alcian Blue Staining Kit
Alizarin Red S Staining Kit for Calcium
Catalyst Digestion powder.(KSO 4 + CuSO 4 )
Esbach's Reagent
Gram Staining Kit
H & E Staining Kit
Lysol, C.P.
Masson's Trichrome Staining Kit
Masson's Trichrome Special Staining Kit
Mucicarmine (Mayer)
Oil Red Staining Kit
Southgate's Mucicarmine Staining Kit
Von Kossa Staining Kit for Calcium
Verhoeff's Van Gieson Elastic Staining Kit
Sodium Hexametaphosphate, C.P.