ï Selectable 45°, 60°, or 90° stroke in both clockwise (cw) or counterclockwise (ccw) directions.
ï 0° to 30° minimum position adjustment (cw or ccw direction) on all models.
ï Magnetic coupling eliminates the need for mechanical stops.
ï Two field-addable auxiliary switches.
ï Auxiliary feedback potentiometer field-addable on select models.
ï Manual declutch on all models.
ï ML7161 and ML7174 models include standard reverse/direct acting rotation switch on outside cover.
ï W7620 Terminal Unit Controller compatibility.
ï Commercial zone damper in W7600 Commercial Zone System compatibility
The 35 and 70 lb-in. (4 Nm and 8 Nm) Non-Spring Return Direct Coupled Actuators (DCA) are control actuators that provide floating or proportioning control for valves and dampers. The proportioning actuators accept a current or voltage signal from a controller to position the damper or valve at any chosen point between fully open and fully closed.
Floating actuators are suitable for use with single pole double throw (spdt) floating thermostats or two-position control systems.
Two-position control requires installation of the 201052B Auxiliary Switch.