A siliconized silicon carbide (SiSiC) lattice is at the core of the high intensity infrared (HI-IR) technology, eliminating the upper temperature limitations in current emitters. The structure and increased surface area of the lattice, combined with the near perfect “black body” emissivity of SiSiC, provides more radiating surface unmatched by other competing technologies.
Complete combustion within the cell structure of the lattice results in no open flames, producing the lowest NOx profile for emitters in the industry. The Red-Ray™ High Intensity Infrared Emitter is designed to mount directly to the existing mixing tubes of all leading infrared systems.
Product Specifications:
Industry leading energy efficiency
Up to 100% radiant energy density
2450°F (1350°C) maximum operating temperature
Siliconized silicon lattice (SiSiC)
No metal screens
Compatible with existing drying systems
We offer three products in capacities ranging from
34,125 BTU/hr (KW) to 40,950 BTU/hr (KW) that are
configured to mount directly into installed drying

Pulp and Paper Applications:
Infrared paper drying
Paper coatings drying