General Description
Onnekas ON-EDM10 is a high performance electrical discharge machine oil prepared from a special aromatic free base fluid plus additive to prolong service life.
Onnekas –EDM10 offer the following ;
Low viscosity and wetting ablility ensure effective flushing of spark gap.
Long service life due to narrow boiling range and high breakdown voltage.
Resistance to oxidation and carbon formation reduces incidence of continuous arcing and the formation of resistive brindges.
Low aromaticity high flash point and low evaporation rate make the product safe for use in the machine shop.
No adverse effect on the electrode, the work or machined parts or pumping system.
Onnekas –EDM10 is particularly recommended in EDM application, where excellent surface finish is required. It is also recommended for roughing and complex profiling.
Onnekas –EDM10 can also be used for rolling aluminium and light duty machining of cast iron and those operations where swarf flushing is a principal requirement.
Typical Characteristics
Viscosity, cSt at 20C 2.6
Viscosity, cSt at 40C 1.8
Flash Point,(PMCC)C 98
Pour Point C -6
Sulphur,(ppm) <1
Aromatics, % IR Brandes <1
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