IMTEC-ANA-LIA MAXX is an indirect membrane based enzyme immunoassay for the qualitative measurement of IgG class antibodies against dsDNA, Nucleosome, Histones, SmD1, PCNA, ribosomal P0 (RPP), SS-A/Ro 60, SS-A/Ro 52, SS-B/La, CENP-B, Scl70, U1-snRNP, AMA M2, Jo-1, PM-Scl, Mi-2 and Ku in human serum or plasma. The assay is intended for in vitro diagnostic use only.
The IMTEC-ANA-LIA MAXX provides a differential diagnosis using 17 different autoantibodies. The specific bands are arranged on each test strip according to their relevance in dedicated diseases (SLE, SjögrenSyndrome, CREST-syndrome, Sclerodermie, MCTD, PBC and Myositis). This provides an additional diagnostic survey of autoimmune diseases and identification of overlap syndromes.
Code ITC92005 24Test