Product Details
A lot of Testing Power in the hands of Electrical Installation Professionals!

DISPLAY ・Color LCD 3.5 inches dot matrix.
ATT ・Anti-Trip Technology (with 2 & 3 wire) for no trip LOOP L-PE testing on all RCDs.
・With 2 wire only, very useful in case of no Neutral (i.e. 3-phase motor lines).
LOOP ・High test current range of 2Ω with 0.001Ω resolution.
・Zs Limit compares the values required by Electrical Installations Standard with
measured results.
RCD ・Type AC, A, F, B(General & Selective), EV and Variable RCDs.
・Single and Auto test, Ramp test and Contact voltage.
EARTH ・Earth resistance test 2 and 3 wires with all accessories included.
INSULATION ・Resistance test 100, 250, 500 & 1000V with auto discharge voltage.
CONTINUITY ・Continuity test at 200mA or 15mA with selectable buzzer for fast judgment.
PHASE ROTATION ・On 3-phase lines with clear indication of the sequence on the display.
VOLTS ・TRMS Voltage measurements 2-600V, Mains Frequency.
HELP ・Display shows how to connect the instrument according to the function selected.
SPD ・Surge Protection Device test, for SPD that uses varistor.
PAT ・Portable Appliance Tester function, for Insulation and Protective conductor resistance test
Bluetooth ・Communication by ''KEW CONNECT''
SAFETY ・IEC 61010-1 CAT IV 300 V, CAT III 600 V. IEC 61557-1,2,3,4,5,6,7,10.