Fruit For Mix
When you need a fruit puree, use only the best. Giffard Fruit For Mix is your solution to great fruit taste, real pulpy texture, and shelf stability.
Raspberry preparation (57%) to flavour your drinks.
Can also be used in cooking, baking, …
Tasting Notes
Appearance: bright magenta red.
Nose: dessert-like raspberry, honeyed, caramelized, heady scent.
Taste: biscuit note (scone) nicely balanced with the subtle acidity of a freshly-picked raspberry. Lasting velvety texture with a floral note (honey) on the finish.
How to deink it?
To twist your classic cocktails, increase texture and fruit content in beverages and to create all type of drinks.
Raspberry Milkshake
Difficulty level : ****
Virgin Raspberry Mojito
Difficulty level: **
Raspberry Mojito
Difficulty level : **