General Cargo Services (Kuching, Sibu, Bintulu, Miri, Sabah KK)

General Cargo Services (Kuching, Sibu, Bintulu, Miri, Sabah KK)

Kategori: Transportation Tersedia
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Good news! We provide fast, cheap and affordable shipping services, and we will arrange everything with just one phone call from you!
We provide the following services
~Receipt and Delivery
~Warehouse and  Delivery
~Express Delivery
~Unloading and Delivery
~Chartered car and Delivery
~Transportation & Mover Services
~Customs Clearance
~Container and Trailer

Kuching - Sibu - Bintulu - Miri - Sabah (KK)
We have 1.5, 3, 7 and 10 ton Lorry

Are you still worrying about the delivery? The price is too expensive and the speed is too slow. You can contact EZYPOS to solve your problem. 

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Ezypos Express Sdn Bhd
Ezypos Express Sdn Bhd Cargo Transportation Services Sarawak, Refrigerated Shipping Services Sibu, Malaysia Logistics Solutions ~ Ezypos Express Sdn Bhd