Registraction Number
- Active Ingredient: Testosterone undecanoate (1000 mg in 4 ml solution).
- Excipients: Various inactive ingredients, but it's sugar-free.
NEBIDO is used for testosterone replacement therapy in adult men with male hypogonadism. This condition is characterized by low testosterone levels, which can lead to symptoms such as impotence, infertility, low sex drive, tiredness, depressive moods, and bone loss.
- Administration: NEBIDO is administered as an intramuscular injection into the muscle, typically in the upper outer quadrant of the buttock (gluteus medius).
- Dosage: One injection of 1000 mg (4 ml) every 10 to 14 weeks. The first injection interval may be reduced to 6 weeks to quickly reach steady-state levels.
- Preparation:
- Do not refrigerate the solution.
- Use a 10 ml syringe and an 18G needle to withdraw the solution.
- Cleanse the injection site with an antiseptic.
- Inject the solution slowly over approximately 2 minutes.
- Monitoring: Regular blood tests to monitor testosterone levels and ensure they remain within the normal range.
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