

Category: Filling Material Available
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Root Canal Sealing Material
-DIA-PROSEAL, root canal sealer is an epoxy resin-based formula with outstanding flow characteristics.

-The ideal root sealer with Low Shrinkage reduced gapping between the sealer and canal wall
-Low solubility makes it resistant to breaking down over time
-1:1 paste to paste manual mixing system
-Fast and Easy Preparation and Less waste
-Mixing and handling is very smooth
-Excellent flow properties allow it to reach and seal lateral canals, making it especially suited to warm gutta-percha methods
-Offers 1-hour working time and 7-hour setting time
-Low risk of cytotoxicity with short setting time
-Better biocompatibility for a solution to the sensitivity and periapical inflammation
-High radiopacity

-Prior to application of DIA-PROSEAL, prepare and shape the root canal using endodontic technique 
-Remove all of the debris in the root canal. And disinfect and clean the root canal with Sodium Hypochlorite or EDTA solution and dry it 
-Using DIA-PROSEAL in dual syringes, press the syringe and squeeze equal volume units of Base material (Yellow) and Catalyst material (White) in the ration of 1:1 on a mixing pad
-Mix the Base material (Yellow) and Catalyst (White) with a spatula for 10~20 sec to be mixed into an ivory colour completely 
-Apply only a light coating of DIA-PROSEAL to Gutta Percha Points (silver or titanium root canal points also) and put points into apex slowly
-Please check the seal by X-Ray

ITEM #1003-201
-1 syringe of 16g (Base 6.5g + Catalyst 9.5g)
-1 mixing pad
-1 spatula

ITEM #2001-6113- Spatula for DIA-PROSEAL 
ITEM #2001-6114- Mixing pad for DIA-PROSEAL 

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