Dr. Bunny nutrition team concerns about your rabbit's hair and skin health. We aim to comprehensively solve problems such as weak and fragile, dull and fade, dry and matted coat, etc. by developing nutrition solutions to improve fundamental physique. Pronutri™ Hair & Skin Formula for Young Rabbits consists of essential trace elements and organic protein which contribute to the formation of critical amino acids for healthier and stronfer hair, while rejuvenating hair follicles to boost stronger and volume hair growth, Lecithin in this formula can effectively repair damaged cells to preserve shiny and sleek hair. Skin-nourishing Omega 3& 6, found in flaxseed, can control water loss, soften and smoothen hair. With this professional hair and skin formula, you can always keep your beloved rabbit's coat healthy and shiny!
兔博士®营养专家团队长期关注兔子毛质,为全面解决脆弱易脱、暗哑褪色、干躁缠结等劣质被毛问题,针对性研制出改善基础体质的膳食方案。全新Pronutri™幼兔专研美毛配方加入高效微量元素及有机蛋白,重点提升缔造健康美毛所需的关键氨基酸,从内为毛囊细胞注入活力元素,提升再生力,长出强韧浓密美毛。大豆卵磷脂能有效修补受损毛细胞,保持毛色亮泽浓丽,持久不褪色。天然亚麻籽中蕴含丰富 奥米加3及奥米加6能滋养毛层皮肤,控制水分流失,使毛发柔软、 丰盈顺滑。兔博士®专研美毛配方让你心爱的小宠美毛亮泽常在。