Blossom Coconut Skincare Visible Repair Oil 50ml / btl

Blossom Coconut Skincare Visible Repair Oil 50ml / btl

Category: Skincare Available
Purchasable on official site
RM 45.00 For more information, visit our official website at


Moisturises 保濕
Smoothes 平滑
provides deep and real moisture. It helps strengthen underlying tissues and helps remove excessive dead cell on the skin's surface that makes your skin rough and flaky in texture. Italso great for shine and as a natural moisturizer for your hair.

1.Skin softerner & moisturizer 保濕潤膚油
2.Anti-aging cream kang 抗衰老面霜
3.Lip gel & Makeup removal 卸妝油 & 潤唇油
4.Prevent hair loss 防止脫髮
5.Hair conditioning & anti dandruff 護髮 & 抗頭皮屑
6.Massage oil & body Scrub 按摩油和磨砂膏
7.Cuticle Oil 角質層油
8.Natural UV protection 天然紫外線保護 

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