Unimix increases soil stability and strength by uniformly mixing fine and coarse materials throughout the entire mixing depth. On-site stabilising of roadbeds for better bearing load, by fine mixing of soil and gravel with additives, cement,lime, bitumen etc. Interchangeable gears will allow four different rotorspeed s (144-235 rev/min.) Transmission through 1 1/2'pitch drive chain up to 17-ton breaking load. Unimix must be allowed to 'float' over obstacles (rock etc.) It is therefore essential that no downward pressure be applied from the tractor hydraulics or lift rods. The implement will by nature of its design work itself down to the working depth (max 15 cm) as pre-set via the adjustable sideskids. Equally useful in establishing a longlasting laterite farm road - or creating a stabilised roadbed for highways.
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