VT300PW "DYNA-FLYERS" Series is the inline mixers machine works according to the rotor-stator principle. It is not placed inside but outside the main vessel (can be multiple vessel) and connected to it by a piping system. The liquid in the tank is circulated in a loop, as it would be with a pump.Because of the special geometry of the rotor, the liquid builds up a vacuum inside the dispersing chamber. This vacuum is used to induct powder into the liquid stream directly from any container without dust or losses.
Inside the dispersing chamber, high shear energy is applied to the liquid stream and the surface of the liquid is strongly expanded to accept the powder that is inducted. In the same way, the powder is transported via vacuum (IN FRONT) and reaches the dispersing chamber expanded as well,and the distance between the particles is increased.Both streams (liquid and powder) reach the dispersing chamber in separate streams then come together into the dispersing chamber and are dispersed with a defined shear gradient. This results in an ideal prerequisite for the wetting of the individual particles. This procedure allows the fine distribution of the components at the moment of wetting and in many cases an improvement of the
properties of the product can be achieved compared to conventional powder addition systems