Kolor Kut Gasoline Gauging Paste

Kolor Kut Gasoline Gauging Paste

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Kolor Kut Gasoline Gauging Paste

For checking the depth of Gasoline, Diesel, Biodiesel, Kerosene, and many other fuel oils in fuel tanks. The product is not so effective with Alcohols - because the alcohols evaporate off the dipping tape quickly returning the paste to its original state.

Applied to a Dipping Tape and lowered to the bottom of a Gasoline tank, the paste changes colour where it comes into contact with Gasoline / Petrol, giving you a visual indication as to the depth of the Gasoline.

No expiry date, will keep best when stored between 31F and 115F.

Packing: 12 Individually Boxed 2.25Oz Screw Cap Jars Per Outer Box // Outer Box = 215mm x 139mm x 118mm, Weight 1.25Kg
Commodity Code 38111900.

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