Giardia lamblia Rapid Test Cassette

Giardia lamblia Rapid Test Cassette

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Parasitic infections remain a very serious health problem worldwide. Giardia Lamblia is the most common protozoa known to be responsible for one of the main causes of severe diarrhea in humans, particularly in immunocompromized people. Giardia Lamblia, also known as Giardia intestinalis, is a flagellated parasite that colonizes and reproduces in the small intestine, causing giardiasis. The parasite attaches to the epithelium by a ventral adhesive disc, and reproduces via binary fission. Epidemiological studies, in 1991, showed that infections with Giardia increased in the United States with a prevalence of around 6% on 178,000 samples. Generally, the disease passes through a short acute phase followed by a chronic phase. Infection by G. lamblia, in the acute phase, is the cause of watery diarrhoea with elimination of trophozoites. The stools become normal again, during the chronic phase, with transient emissions of cysts.The presence of the parasite on the wall of the duodenal epithelium is responsible for malabsorption. The disappearance of villosities and their atrophy lead to problems with the digestive process at the level of the duodenum and the jejunum, followed by weight loss and dehydration. The majority of infections remain asymptomatic, however. The diagnosis of G. lamblia is carried out under microscopy after flotation on zinc sulphate or by direct or indirect immunofluorescence, on non-concentrated samples displayed on a slide.

The rapid test can detect Giardia Lamblia in fecal specimens within 10 minutes. It is based on the detection of a 65-kDA coproantigen, a glycoprotein that is present in the cysts and trophozoites of G. lamblia.

SPECIMEN PREPARATION PROCEDURE:1. To collect fecal specimens:
Collect sufficient quantity of feces (1-2mL or 1-2g) in a clean, dry specimen collection container to obtain enough pathogens. Best results will be obtained if the assay is performed within 6 hours after collection. Specimen collected may be stored for 3 days at 2-8°C if not tested within 6 hours. For long term storage, specimens should be kept below -20°C.
To process fecal specimens:
For Solid Specimens:
Unscrew the cap of the specimen collection tube, then randomly stab the specimen collection applicator into the fecal specimen at least 3 different sites to collect approximately 50 mg of feces (equivalent to 1/4 of a pea). Do not scoop the fecal specimen.
For Liquid Specimens:
Hold the dropper vertically, aspirate fecal specimens, and then transfer 2 drops of the liquid specimen (approximately 80 µL) into the specimen collection tube containing the extraction buffer.
Tighten the cap onto the specimen collection tube, then shake the specimen collection tube vigorously to mix the specimen and the extraction buffer. Leave the collection tube for reaction for 2 minutes.
2. Bring the pouch to room temperature before opening it. Remove the test cassette from the foil pouch and use it as soon as possible. Best results will be obtained if the test is performed immediately after opening the foil pouch.
3. Hold the specimen collection tube upright and unscrew the tip of the specimen collection tube. Invert the specimen collection tube and transfer 2 full drops of the extracted specimen (approximately 80 µL ) to the specimen well (S) of the test cassette, then start the timer. Avoid trapping air bubbles in the specimen well (S). See illustration below.
4. Read the results at 10 minutes after dispensing the specimen. Do not read results after 20 minutes.
Note: If the specimen does not migrate (presence of particles), centrifuge the diluted sample contained in the extraction buffer vial. Collect 80 µL of supernatant, dispense into the specimen well (S). Start the timer and continue from step 4 onwards in the above instructions for use.

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Giardia Lamblia Rapid Test Cassette




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