Testo 417 vane anemometer

Testo 417 vane anemometer

Category: Testo Data Loggers Available
For more information, visit our official website at etccc.com.my


The testo 417 vane anemometer allows you to carry out quick and precise measurements at air inlets and outlets. The easy-to-read display shows air flow speed and direction as well as volumetric flow rate and temperature. The meter can also calculate the mean time value, average value and minimum and maximum value at the touch of a key.

Product benefits:

  • Compact anemometer with integrated 100 mm vane
  • For measuring air flow, volumetric flow rate and temperature
  • Ideal for carrying out measurements at air inlets and outlets
  • For carrying out measurements at disk valves, ventilation grilles and ceiling diffusers using optionally available accessories

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Excel Test Sdn Bhd
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