testo 606-2 - Moisture meter for material moisture and relative humidity

testo 606-2 - Moisture meter for material moisture and relative humidity

Category: Testo Data Loggers Available
For more information, visit our official website at etccc.com.my


The testo 606-2 moisture meter allows you to measure the moisture content in wood and building materials – and the surrounding environment too. This means that you are now also able to check storage and drying conditions quickly and easily.

  • Ram electrodes guarantee precise moisture measurements in wood and building materials
  • Ideal for carrying out relative humidity and air temperature measurements to check storage and drying
  • Identifying and preventing problems using dew point and wet bulb calculations

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Excel Test Sdn Bhd
Excel Test Sdn Bhd Cold Chain Solutions Malaysia, Calibration Service Selangor, ETCCC IoT Temperature & Humidity Monitoring Supplier KL ~ Excel Test Sdn Bhd
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