Burial Land 福地

Burial Land 福地

Category: Burial Plot 福地 Available
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Living Grave or Sheng Ji belongs to orthodox school of feng shui for create fortune. So-called planting Living Grave means using professional feng shui methods, living grave’s owner belongings and Eight Characters buried in the graveyard. Heaven and earth natural vital energy can be gain through erecting Living Grave which can achieve the purpose of urging prosperity, fame, protecting life, longevity, marriage, praying for descendants, wisdom, wealth etc.

“生基” 属于正宗风水精要之造运大法。所谓的种生基,是指运用专业的风水作法,取生人身体发肤或衣物,连同时辰八字埋入龙穴之中。通过造生基,可取得天天地大自然的地灵旺气,山水峦头的理气、龙穴砂水、择地理之精华,寻龙觅穴,以藏风聚气,借着真龙穴场修筑生基,又受天地山川之感应传达己身,达到摧官、功名、保命、增寿、求婚、求子、启智、进禄、招财等目的。

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Hong Yuan Hills Sdn Bhd
Hong Yuan Hills Sdn Bhd Memorial Garden Johor, Funeral Service Malaysia, Crematorium Service Kluang ~ Hong Yuan Hills Sdn Bhd
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