Hygitest Detection Tubes (Air Contaminants)

Hygitest Detection Tubes (Air Contaminants)

Category: Detection Tube Available
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Hygitest Colorimetric Tubes
(For Short-Term Analysis of Air Contaminants)

The Hygitest indicator tubes are used for express determination of toxic gases and vapours concentrations in industrial environment. The analyses are quick, easy to perform and unexpensive. No special training is required for the operating staff. For this reason the indicator tubes are widely used in all branches of industry, agriculture, transport, etc. They are used for apparatus leakage determination, control of technological processes and determination of toxic substances in the environmental air, for hygienic evaluation, testing the presence of toxic and inflammable substances in confined spaces, determination of workers personal exposure, determination of gas components in liquids, etc. A feature worth mentioning is that the data on the substance are determined instantly on the spot.

The HYGITEST indicators are glass tubes, filled with solid granular material-carrier, impregnated with an appropriate chemical reagent. The tips of the tube are sealed, thus its content is isolated from the environment. Before analysis, the tips of the tube are broken and the tube is inserted in the special sampling pump, HYGITEST or DRAEGER type, sucking the air quantity necessary for each kind of tube.

In the presence of the substance to-be-analysed, the reagent system in the tube changes its colour and the length of the discoloration is directly proportional to the concentration of the substance determined. The concentration is read directly on the scale, printed on the outside surface of the indicator tube.

All data necessary for reproduction of analysis and obtaining of precise results are presented in the detailed operating instruction, enclosed in each package of indicator tubes.

Analysis indicator tubes are intended for instant “on-the-spot”determination of the concentration of toxic substances in the air. Depending on the concentration range they can be used for determination of toxic substances in the working medium, in the atmospheric air and also in emissions. Sampling with them does not exceed 10 minutes, usually within 3 to 5 minutes. For the purpose they are precisely calibrated so that the determination error does not exceed the (+ -- ) 25% limit admissible in hygienic practice. The reproducibility of the indications of the tubes from one batch, expressed by a coefficient of variation, is usually within the range 10 to 15%, depending on the tube type and the skill of the operator. Indicator tubes, with indications affected by the humidity of analysed air are calibrated with dynamic dosage apparatuses with controlled airflow hymidity. Calibration curves for each humidity value are obtained from 3 to 16 d/m3, but a scale valid at 9 d/m3 (50% relative humidity at 20gr C/ is usually printed on the tube. The results from the analyses under other humidity conditions are multiplied by correction coefficients, given in the instruction, in each package of indicator tubes. A large number of the humidity-affected indicator tubes is already being supplied with a drying filter layer, eliminating the necessity of correction coefficients.

The analysis with the indicator tubes is realised by means of special sampling pumps. HYGITEST analysis tubes are calibrated with two types of pumps: DRAEGER bellows pump widely used in the world practice and BPP-2M piston pump produced by HYGITEST. The results, obtained by the two types of pumps, coincide in the majority of cases. In case of lack of coincidence this is mentioned in the instructions.

List of Hygitest Detection Tubes for Air Contaminants

Chemical to measure Nominal Range Tube No. Qty in box
mg/m3 ppm
Acetic Acid 5 - 80 2 - 30 AT 0211 10
Acetone - 200A 200 - 2500 80 - 1000 AT 0311 10
Alcohol ethyl (5 determinations) 200 - 5000 100 - 2600 AT 1311 10
Alcohol n-butyl (5 determinations)  100 - 2000  33 - 660 AT 1011 10
Alcohol n-propyl (5 determinations) 100 - 1000 40 - 400 AT 2411 10
Benzene 20-A 20 - 1200 6 - 400 AT 3311 10
Butyl acetate 400 - 15000 100 - 3200 AT 3411 10
Carbon dioxide 0.1% 1830 - 45750 0.1 -2.5% v/v AT 4020 10
Carbon dioxide 0.5% 9150 - 128100 0.5 - 7% v/v AT 4012 10
Carbon dioxide 1% 18300 - 274500 1 - 15% v/v AT 4024 10
Carbon disulphie 1-A 2 - 500 0.5 - 160 AT 2511 10
Carbon monoxide 10-A 10 - 600 8.6 - 520 AT 3711 10
Carbon monoxide 200-B 200 - 5000 150 - 4300 AT 3722 10
Chlorine 0.5-A 1 - 25 0.5 - 10 AT 1111 10
Chlorine 5-B 5 - 80 1 - 30 AT 1112 10
Chlorine 10-C 10 - 500 3 - 170 AT 1123 10
Diethyl ether 150 - 2000 50 - 650 AT 1411 10
Ethyl acetate 400 - 10000 100 - 2700 AT 4311 10
Ex-Test (Test for explosivity of gas mixtures) 350 - 9500 80 - 2000 TT 1751 10
Formic acid 5 - 60 2.5 - 30 AT 1611 10
Gasoline 100 (iodate basis)
(As n-Octane)
100 - 3000
100 - 2000
20 - 630
20 - 400
AT 0821 10
Gasoline 300 (chromate basis)
(As n-Octane)
300 - 4000 50 - 850 AT 0811 10
Gasoline hydrocarbons KW (Multipurpose tube for the vapours of the pure substances)


15 - 1500
100 - 5500
30 - 2300
280 - 5600
50 - 9200
150 - 4550

4 - 400
23 - 1265
8 - 645
67 - 1345
10 - 1930
42 - 1275
AT 0831 10
n-Hexane 50 - 1500
100 - 2000
14 - 420
28 - 560
AT 4611 10
Hydrogen chloride 1-B 2 - 70
5 - 120
1.3 - 45
3.3 - 80
AT 1822 10
Mercury vapours 0.01 - 1.5 0.01 - 0.18 AT-LT 2111 10
Mineral turpentine (White spirit SKDN) 300 - 3500 - AT 4911 10
n-Octane 50 - 10000 10 - 2100 AT 1711 10
Phenol 5-A 5 -100
10 - 200
1 - 25
2 - 50
AT 2311 10
(as a mix)
(as n-Propane)
(as n-Butane)

~ 2000 - 24000
1830 - 22000
2420 - 29040
0.1 - 1.2% v/v (or 1000 - 12000 ppm) AT 5622 10
Sulphur dioxide 2-A 2 - 60
6 - 180
0.7 - 22
2.2 - 67
AT 2611 10
Sulphur dioxide 10-B 10 - 150 4 - 60 AT 2612 10
Sulphur dioxide 50-C 50 - 500 20 - 200 AT 2613 10
Toluene 20-A 50 - 1500 13 - 400 AT 2711 10
Xylene 25-A (specific for xylene) 25 - 700 5 - 160 AT 3121 10
Xylene 50-B (all aromatics) 50 - 1000 10 - 250 AT 3111 10

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