The amfori BSCI system, based on a common Code of Conduct, offers a step-by-step approach that enables companies to put sustainable trade at the heart of their business by:
Engaging with their business partners and monitoring their social performance
Becoming empowered and receiving support
Benefits of AMFORI BSCI
By taking part in amfori BSCI, members can:
Improve the social performance of their supply chain
Reduce cost and increase efficiency
Have a clear and consistent approach that highlights best practices
Improve the resilience of their business to industry and market changes
Improve their businesses' reputation by meeting the expectations of your customers and stakeholders
amfori BSCI was developed in 2003, by amfori, a leading global business association for open and sustainable trade, aiming to support companies enhance human prosperity, use natural resources responsibly and drive open trade globally.
amfori BSCI audits assess a producer against the values and principles of the amfori BSCI Code of Conduct, which are translated into 13 interconnected Performance Areas (PAs):
Social management system and cascade effect
Workers involvement and protection
The rights of freedom of association and collective bargaining
No discrimination
Fair remuneration
Decent working hours
Occupational health and safety (OHS)
No child labor
Special protection for young workers
No precarious employment
No bonded labor
Protection of the environment
Ethical business behavior
How Can ELITE Help?
We provide BSCI management system training and consultancy services. We offer specialized expertise and extensive practical experience to assist client in developing management systems from the initial concept to establishment and successful implementation of the management systems.
We use the following consultation approach to assist you in achieving certification:
Identify areas requiring improvement or development within your current Management System
Prepare a strategic action plan, in conjunction with your company personnel, to address those improvement areas and assist with the communication of these requirements to key personnel at all levels
Provide system-related trainings for your company personnel to create awareness and provide them with the necessary knowledge and skills in the implementation of systems
Provide assistance and advice on the development and implementation of systems, including preparation of documentation
Advise and assist, if required, with the preparation and submission of applications to your certification body
Assist with the development of internal auditing procedures and training
Conduct internal audit to ensure the effective implementation of the management system prior to final audit by your certification body
Conduct Management Review Meeting to review performance of management system and identify areas for improvement prior to final audit by your certification body