YSI 5562 Polarographic DO, Temperature, and Conductivity Cable

YSI 5562 Polarographic DO, Temperature, and Conductivity Cable

Category: Aquaculture Process Monitor and Sensors Out of stock
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The 5562 probe and cable assembly is multiparameter and allows for the measurement of temperature, dissolved oxygen (polarograhic sensor), conductivity, and has a port for either a pH or pH/ORP sensor (must be ordered separately). It is available  in lengths of 4 m, 10 m, and 20 m. . This cable is compatible with the 5200 and 5200A Multiparameter Monitoring and Control Instrument

The 5562 probe and cable assembly includes a 559 polarographic sensor, a 5560 combination conductivity/temperature sensor and a 5204 DO Membrane Kit (2 mil, Teflon). Please order the 5564 pH/ORP sensor separately  


Equipment used with 5200A Multiparameter Monitoring and Control Instrument
Parameters Measured Dissolved Oxygen, Temperature, Conductivity

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